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We hae a few barriers with genration Y as an instructor you must engage the students wether it in lecture or technology. The level of delvery of theory is very important and technology has to be implemented.

Social Networking

This generation and generations to come will have to tackl e social networking in some form or fashion. Our society is making social networking a household word.


I find that veterans are very import in our society when it come to hire education they are eager and very enlighting to educate and communicate.

Generation Y

All demongraphics are part of the hire education mode these days but generation Y are the Techy "Babies I like ot call them and and are truly seeking hire education and technology.

EDD 117 Course

At our college campus we provide education to all different generation of students, especially the generation "Y" students.The instructors here are totally active with this generation and are always available to engage with the learning process when asked to do so. We have found that all the different generation of students starting from the generation "Veteran" groups and ending with the generation "Y" groups are eager to learn and have accepted our strategies in critical care development. We are a team and have many activities to engage our students. I find that understanding my student's generation, their past educational experiences, provides me a focus on the directions to take when I am teaching in the classroom. This ED 117 was an excellent course and I highly recommend it to other instructors out there. This course has given me a positive direction and I can't wait to use some of the information I learned with my students. What did you think of this course?

Barriers with Gen Y

Generation Y student seem to be the most difficult students to deal with, especially in classes that have all the generations represented. In settings where there is no technology allowed such as cell phones or laptop computers or any way to record the discussions, Gen Y students find it hard to adapt. This creates challenges less common in other generations. Gen Y requires directions repeated a number of times, and are not very good at taking notes. They seem to have a shortened attention span, and retention of processes is low. Group settings seem to help, and allowing them to make mistakes without condemnation is helpful. I have found no other remedies.

I just realized that I hold a true quality of a Gen X er.

Funny, just the other day I was reflecting and it dawned on me the differences of the generations learning styles and influences that happened in the era that are generations had been exposed to. As I read this ed 117, I laughed when they described us Gen X'ers to the T. And this is before I had read this CEE course. Understanding the difference between the generations is a valuable tool in clinical instructing. Esp. when assessing thier needs.

Generation Y and sleep texting

I just ran across an interesting article on college kids and sleep texting. I wanted to post the link.

The effect of technology on our brains

This section mention that the brains of generation Y are the same as previous generations, that actually is not the case. Research actually shows that technology is physically changing our brains. "The current explosion of digital technology not only is changing the way we live and communicate but also is rapidly and profoundly altering our brains. Daily exposure to high technology—computers, smart phones, video games, search engines such as Google and Yahoo—stimulates brain cell alteration and neurotransmitter release, gradually strengthening new neural pathways in our brains while weakening old ones. Because of the current technological revolution, our brains are evolving right now—at a speed like never before" (Small & Vorgan, 2008).

foreign language

Reading the information on Generation Y leaves me wondering why a foreign language isn't a requirement at career colleges. I work at two institutions and neither of them offer foreign language courses. I feel this is a key skill for students to acquire with the changing dynamics of our nation. Especially for those entering the medical field and serving a diverse population. In a typical class, I usually have 3-5 that are bilingual while the rest are mono-lingual.


As a paramedical professional, I see children as young as 4 years old on some type of medication for this problem and I ask myself is it the child or the parent who truely has the problem. Many parents are impatient and the first thing they think is, "my overly active child has ADHD" and they want their child to be medicated. Some healthcare providers that I work with are hesitant about medicating these young individuals and believe that with better parenting skills are the answer to some of these problems. One the other hand, I see what medication can help someone with ADHD and or ADD.

Modified Socratic Method

I like to use the modern day version of the Socratic method of instruction. It's called the Columbo Technique. 1. I get the student engaged with casual questions regarding the example I'm demonstrating. 2. When the student finally relaxes, I have them explain what I did. 3. Before I move on, I ask them on last thing: What's the answer used for? That's how I lead into the next chapter of the text book. Any other Columbo's out there?

Technology Defines the User

I don't have a problem reaching Gen Y with a White Board, Colored Pens, Handouts, Scientific Calculator, and a good teaching strategy. Am I doing something wrong?

Does Owning More Technology Equal Greater Knowledge

I don't believe that having access to more technology guarantees greater knowledge. There's an enormous amount of fragmented information, opinions, misleading information, ill-informed fantasies, and hyperreality on the internet. On the other hand, access to good information does equal power. You just have to know how, where, and when to find it. Any thoughts?

Technology versus Contemplation

There appears to be no limit to the number of technological tools you can purchase these days. However, I believe there is a limit to the number of technical tools you can master. If you don't set limits, I say "The more you own, the more you're owned." When you're spending most of your time learning how to format, configure, operate, backup, update, protect, and maintain the technological gadgets and software programs you own, the only thing your prepared for is the "Help Desk." True wisdom requires the application of differentiation, integration and generalization via contemplation. For example, Rene Descartes didn't use a desktop computer, laptop computer, iPad, tablet, or software program to create a bridge between algebra and geometry. He used two flies on the wall, the Pythagorean Theorem, and contemplation. At least, that what I choose to believe. Any thoughts?

Gen Y Learners

I believe that engaging Gen Y learners in something that intrest them is paramount in getting them to learn subject material otherwise they will not give their best.

Social Networking

By using social networking does that open the door to be disconnected from civilization? Will we be so used to sending an email to get something done that we forget how to talk to people?

Gen Y teaching Gen X

If your a teacher from the Gen Y era and have older students in your class. How do you get them to take you seriously?

how important is to learn from other generations

I am from generation X and I would like to know more of the difference between my generation and the Generation Y.

Gen Y and manuals

The Gen Y students appear that they do not want to use any manuals. Jumping into a project then wanting to rely on the instructor to walk them through is ok 1 time, but they have to learn where to get the information when no instructor is at their place of employment. Others at work will tire of doing thier work for them.