Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Student Need

I took EL111 for students with disablities and recieved some great tips that will apply to all students. As I prepare my courseroom I will be mindful of my font, and the message conveyed.



New technology

Strategies plays a major role in how the online student reacts to assignments and the outcome of the grades they receive. Communication is so important and getting back to the student with questions in a timely manner.  UMA works well by allowing the instructors to collaborate together and to connect with management often. Program management allows the online instructor to help with the design aspect of the curriculum. 

Engaging Online Learners

I find this course to be very helpful to the online instructor. While we certainly use most of the tools mentioned in this course, it allows us how to align these tools with best practices. Even something as simple as texting students helps me a great deal with outreach. It is a convenient but personal way to connect with students who tend to fall off of the radar. Another tool that I enjoy using is Youtube for scaffolding and motivation. Inspirational videos often get my students moving when they're feeling a bit sluggish towards the end of the term.

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EL103 - Teaching Online: A Student-Centered Approach

I recommend this course. It really allows you to reflect upon how online classes are created and all who are involved as stakeholders in the success of the class. I feel that as an online professor, understanding how classes are built including curriculum, ongoing revision and the importance of closing the loop will assist me in being more aware of the needs of my students within the online community.


Paula Bordenkecher

best practices

Communication with students is one the most important aspect in the learning process, face to face or on line. I strongly believe tha the instructor must be a leader, a guide a master.


Best Practice

I find that calling my students and having a conversation on what they need from to succed helps them find their path to success. There are struggles along the way yet if I keep in contact we can overcpme them.

Keeping Students Engaged

One of the things that I find the most challenging in the online environment is student engagement.  I find that I usually have students that are either fully engaged with the online learning environment and some that are not as excited about it.  I am curious as to how others handle it.  


Some of my best practices are to attempt to post to every student's post in the first week. This let the student know that I am interested in getting know them all and work them all.

Professor Hughes


COmmunication is the key to online success. An instructor needs to continually communicate with their students on both  academic and personal levels. Becasue there is no face-to-face element of on line learning, an instructor needs to bring this aspect into the classroom on all levels.


Simulation games

I remember playing simulation games like Civilazation and Sim City.  These were good learning games. What are the top games today that are similar?

Communication Skills

I will make a conscious effort to integrate the information learned in this course to enhance the communication within the online courses I teach.

The world of online learning!!

As an Instructor I can aid my online students by equipping them with the tools and technology they need to become successful. In addition to helping them understand all of the resources available to them both through UMA and in the larger world of the World Wide Web/ Internet.



Text messages do work!

Because I teach at risk adult learners, they tend to have challenges staying engaged.  Every week, I check the gradebook to see who has missing assignments. I reach out to the students via text to find out how they are doing. Once I get a response, I then talk about the missing assignments and opportunities to complete them.



Library Blog

Many years ago, I started a Library Blog (ECPI approved). unfortunately it never gained mny active posters.

Given the materials covered in the course I just took (Ell 110) I may see if there is any renewed interest in such a thing.

Best practices

One of my successes in engaging online learners is asking relevant questions about their response to my post.  This engagement also gets the attention of the others in class and creates more of an opportunity to discuss in depth the topic on discussion board.

I think emoticons are important :)

I think emoticons are important to use in my communications with students so that they perceive my communications accurately.  Thanks!

What I learned so far . . .

Reflecting on what I have learned so far, I keep realizing more and more not to take it personal with my students.  I have good relationships with all of them and they are most often absent due to an external event that has nothing to do with me.

Teaching technique

I encourage students to use any online information they want, but their priority  is learn and understand the lecture material and the book . You can tell I'm an old out of date instructure!

gaming is an excellent tool

Gaming is an excellent tool for learing

I can be more aware of what I can do for my ADA Students

This course has given me some ideas that I believe I can incorporate into my online classroom to make some of the more difficult concepts in medical billing and coding more accessable to all my students.  I have a wrottrn transcript with my PowerPoints anyway, Just never thought of uploading both.  This has opened my eyes to another way to do things.