Stacie LeClair

Stacie LeClair

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I like the envelope game.  It's easy to organize by breaking the class up into small groups.  It is done to help learn new definitions and terminology.  It engages everyone, tests for accuracy and it's fun because the groups are racing against the clock.

I like the Make Me a Match game.  Classes in the medical field involve a lot of memorization of terms and this is a great activity to do with the class to reinforce new material/vocabulary.  It involves the whole class to help them learn as a group.


I like the ball toss activity to use at the end of class because it engages the students to stand up, everyone gets a turn and the instructor can assess how well the students retained the learning points that were given for that day.

It has been proven that students learn and retain information best when engaging in activities related to new material being presented rather than just sitting through lectures.

I learned assessment strategies are very important.  They help measure the classes' ability throughout the entire course.  Examples of assessments are quizzes, projects, tests, and demonstrations.

There are a variety of learning styles that students have.  It is a good idea to utilize different ones and make lessons interactive to engage them and increase interest in the subject matter.

I realized how important it is to learn the students names and enjoyed the tips to learn them to familiarize yourselves with the class.  

How important a syllabus is because it sets the climate for the class.  It should include things like class policies and assignments.  

It is a way to organize the class and should include relevant information about the course.



It is important to motivate students and help them see the progress they are making in their careers.  Once they acquire new knowledge they should (if possible) apply the new skill right away.  

I learned how important emotional intelligence is and how necessary it is in the classroom.  It is a set of abilities that helps us manage ourselves and manage our relationships with others.  This skill set is imperative to have when interacting with students.

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