Stacie LeClair

Stacie LeClair

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To do lists can be made to accomplish eliminating or reducing the stress in your life.  Choose healthy options to manage the stress you have instead of turning to bad habits like alcohol, nicotine and staying up late / not sleeping.

Stress can occur in both personal and professional aspects of life.  It is best to deal with them so it doesn't become a chronic issue that can worsen over time.  

It is best to streamline your grading process for better time management.  And it is more effective to respond to emails 1 or 2 times a day instead of each time a new one comes in.

I learned the importance of a to do list and how it can help with time management and being more productive.


A crisis can occour with anyone at any time.  It is important to look for signs in someoneone undergoing a crisis and be there for them for suppot in whateveer capacity they need to cope.

It is important to understand the different types

 of learning styles your students have so you as the instructor can formulate the best type of questions to ask.

It is important to direct and formulate questions to students based on the overall objective of what you will be presenting.

Active learning is more preferred with adult students.  This is because a variety of learning materials can be used, they can practice tasks, and they are often more enjoyable for them.

Some examples of active learning include debates, role-playing, brainstorming and hands-on modules.

There is a teaching modality called backwards chaining that can be effective.  It involves teaching the end skill / application first.  Then the instructor works them through the steps to get there for the required proficiency.

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