Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Inquiring minds

Inquiring minds are life long learners, keep asking more questions, keep expanding knowledge. 

OB teacher

To apply OB theory, in the sim lab I create a delivery room and talk the students through each role. One student is the nurse midwife, one the circulating/delivery room nurse, another the nursery nurse, one is the mother's voice, another the coach. I stop the action and explain the rationales for each action. All students stop and count fetal heart rate, we review apgar score after the birth mannequin pushes out the plastic fetus etc. I have them see how all of the theory is applied directly in the delivery room.

Build 'em, Burn 'em, Build 'em: how to criticize subordinates/students

Criticizm is hard to take. i've found the best method to dish it out involves the "build 'em, burn 'em, build 'em" method.

First "Build 'em" up, ex:

Looking at your term paper i found it refreshing to see how descriptive and colerful your writing is.

Second "Burn 'em" down, ex:

however i did notice a lot of grammatical errors.

Third "Build 'em" back up, ex:

so, follow these tips to help round out your writing and you will be one of the strongest writers i have ever seen.

Self Control

My lifelong experoience of 60 years proved that self control is the first & foremost skill in interpersonal relationships.

Critical thinking

The insturctor should master this skill before addressing it to the students. He/she should ask challenging questions to stir the students to think & interact. I totally agree on the open-ended questions as a valuable tool.


it had a lot of good info

Useful class

Thanks for providing this course.

Cosmo Kids

As i continue to shape the cosmetology program, I will be more mindful of how to curb their active and creative minds!  Sometimes millinilles are so oblivious they tend to forget the value of respect! Teamwork makes a dreamwork and thait is how we will work the beauty industry!

Professional Compliance

This program was so welcoming in that the student needed to look at themselves in the classroom as well as in the work place.  We all need to hone our EQ or refresh that skill set.

soft skills

time and time and again, I have had students with atitudes, not wanting to be there, feeling entitled to be mad at the world, and not wanting to take resposibility.  By practicing my soft skills,  they start to modify their behavior and treat people appropriately, and even look forward to being in my class.  Then, teaching hard skills becomes a breeze.   

listening and body language

This lesson had great information that can be used in the classroom.

Soft skill in the work place

This was a great lesson that forcused on the moral qualities in the classroom that are vital for learning.  As an Instructor I find it imperative to have compassion for your student's. This Soft skill,  produces an enviroment that is conducive for learning.  If your student believe that you are genuinely concerned for their education, they tend to try hard to  learn the lesson at hand.

ed 205

I found it helpful.  I need to focus more on delivering content based on the students learning style.  It's dfificult because they aren't all at the same letting go point, so you have to indiviualize who still needs coaching,& who needs deligation.  I also learned I may be over estimating their computer skills.  I sometimes get impatient believing they already know this.  Just because they grew up with computers doesn't mean they know how to use them in a professional capacity.

Being Self Aware

My action plan consist of more time to pause and self evaluate/reflect on when i feel triggered.  I know when triggered by outside influences I do a much poorer job reading students thus compromising my softskills abilities and thus my ability to teach.

Modeling and teaching profesisonalism

This was a good refresher of how to teach various types of students. Worth the time. :)

question students

I really like the popsicle stick idea. I remember my fifth grade teacher using it. Put all the students names on a stick and draw them out of a cup to randomly select someone to answer questions.



Action Plan

I plan to raise my emotional intelligence or EQ.  This was a very effective and useful course.  I wish I would have had this advice and knowledge sooner in my teaching career so I coulkd have been practicing the methods and tips.  I will be putting all the tips in use starting tomorrow in class.  I will sharpen all my skills and be an excellent example for my students.  I will begin practicing the emotion managing and begin generating positive emotions from negative ones.  I think that will be my biggest challenge going forward.  I will be asking foir more… >>>

Action Plan

I am not a classroom instructor, so I do not teach every day or entire courses, I do teach students about information literacy and library usage.  As indicated in the course, Gen Y students are fluent in using technology and accessing information, but are not as savvy as interpreting and evaluting information and using it to think critically.  I hope to use some of the strategies suggested in the lessons to help Gen Y students understand the value of using trusted library resources over quick access websites in a Google Search.  Questioning is a good strategy that I can use… >>>

I passed my EQ course

Inter workplace relationships have destroyed more than one career. I would like to be the best co worker I can, as well as a highly effective instructor. To that end I will strive to apply the information I learned in this course daily in my intrapersonal and porfessional life.