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I like the examples of the syllabus, the organization of the lessons, and the Course structure sample which I plan to use some parts. It gives me a beginning. The multiply attempts on quizzes will help the new online learner to gain some self-esteem which I will use.


A syllabus is needed for online learners and students also need to have quizzes at checkpoints to ensure they understand. They need to be able to re-assess these.  Tests, however, should only have one attempt. Modeling is key during e-learning so students know the expectations.

I am aware of all the bits that make up the course components and so will be more able to create them for courses I help design

I plan to develop low tech lessons so students don't feel isolated when a link or some bit of software does not work in a proficient manner.


Providing students with greater context allows them to comprehend why they are learning as much "the what" of any particular lesson.

When taking a quizz or an assesment it is very helpful to have more than one attempt.  Having the chance to elavate your grade to a higher score allows the student to go back and reexamine the content, which will also help the student retain more information.

Having students understand the "why" to the assignment is extremely important to engage the student.  By adding a  preface statement places the assignment in  to perspective of the course content!


This discussion is a review of the course components and how they are designed to work. 


You can utilize quizies to boost your student confidence as long as you provide them with plenty of opportunities to pass. However, examinations test attempts should be limited.

I agree with Ms. Rebecca, many times I would see that students would delay in answering the question of the forum because they were waiting for someone to start. Sometimes what would end up happening is that they would be the first to answer and they would forget to give feedback to two of their classmates. That would hurt their grade even though it was a fantastic answer. So what I do know is I tell them on day one to answer and that way they can get that out of the way, 

Best insight: create quizzes with an unlimited number of retakes to serve as ego-busters!


Reply to Jonathan Juracko's post:That makes a lot of sense. You really don't want students to feel intimidated by complicated technology. How would you simplify it?

Reply to Tricia Mehall's post:That's a very good point. The process of retaking a quiz (even with the same questions) reinforcess the retention of the information. Would you say that this process could even be more affective than the actual lesson?

This forum explains the importance of identifying course competencies within the online course. This is done by creating a course syllabus and including the course title, course code and course description. Online lectures should reflect contents that mirror the in class lecture. Incorporating discussion questions, chats, posts and quizzes.

This section discussed the difference between chats and posted discussions, quizzes, and examinations.


GWard beacuse I had online classes previously this whole comcept made more sense when our campus did gp online. This really helped me see how one thing pays off another concept.

In addition to reviewing course components, I was exposed to giving quizzes for the purpose of self-assessment and providing immediate clarification and/or feedback before erroneous ideas are assimilated.


This lesson covers the basics of course components.


Making students learn with multiple quizzes and exams.


Implementing the five lecture formats has the possibility of creating a better blend of content delivery. I am prone to expository but I can see how the other formats can be valuable for learning and keeping things fresh in a difficult online learning environment. 


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