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1. My department will send a friendly email to all of our students reminding them when the new term begins and encouraging them to have a successful term.
2. I will be spreading the word about what I've learned in this retention course with other departments.
3. Be more conscious of using the Survey method when working with students. I've found that I've instinctively done this, but now that the concept has been explained I will be more aware.

In the next 30 days, we will be having an 'Ice Cream' social. For that day, the students are allowed to wear their regular clothes (instead of scrubs) and we serve ice cream 3 times in order to catch all the students. We also will raffle off door prizes. End of course surveys will be given out and any concerns will be addressed. As the Program Director, I check in with all classes on a weekly basis to see how they are doing and check attendance daily. Anyone who has missed I make a point to go see and speak with.

Three items we will develop in the next 30 days and implement are:
1.An information guide to give out at orientation.
2.Take pictures of all staff and include those on our contact and responsibilities sheet.
3.Create a Student of the Quarter Award for each cohort.

Making sure all students know that we do care and what each of our staff's responibilites are and who they can go to for help.

Giving positive reenforcement to all students when they reach a goal they have set.

Making sure teachers understand the importance of their role in retention.

There is a lot of great information in this modual. Happy to say most of them we do but there is always room for improvment.

3 specific steps to improve retention:

1 - conduct basic skills/school prep seminars for incoming students

2 - retrain and provide additional resources for faculty and staff

3 - implement club or mentor program for students

Ask students why they are enrolled, make contact with them if they are absent; tardy or depart early; and encourage communication

Use orientation as a tool to inform students of resources available.

Inform faculty of resources available for students durign certain circumstances.

Encourage frequent meetings/discussions amongst staff to pinpopint possible student issues before they escalate.

Start a suggestion box in the library, hold study workshops for students who don't know/remember how, organize student clubs

I will get back into the classes more which allows the students to see me in a different light.
I will continue to speak with them all as to show them we do care.
I will try to pull a few of the more closed off students into discussions.

1. Call each student everyday they are absent.
2. Request when the student return they arrive an hour before class to go over anything missed. (this helps them get back on track and also prevents them from interupting the current class).
3. Hold a success rally for all the students that have had perfect attendence for each 5 week term.

The ice cream social sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Will this happen during regularly scheduled class time? Hope you have something for the lactose intolerant.

1. List of Job duties with Photo
2. Call a student each day they are absent instead of once a week.
3. Implement "you ask.... we answered" So that students can actually see we value there input on surveys.

1. More training for faculty/staff
2. More student appreciation events
3. More attention to students (ex. saying hi and smiling to every student within 10 feet of me)

1. Making the students feel like they mater more than I am doing right now.
2. Bring a few new ideas that the course gave me to be discussed at the next staff meeting.
3. Also and the staff meeting, revisiting a few things that we have done in the past that we no longer do.

Make sure to greet my students every morning and tell them I will see them tomorrow at the end of the day.
Have a student discussion at the beginning of every week to make sure we are all on the same channel.
Set aside time after class for any students who need additional help.

Offer tutor and lab skill sessions with low grade students.
Contact and meet with students to discuss challenges.
Have instructors accountable to assisting low grade students.
Have instructors call students that are tow plus days absent

1 - After class once a week have an open forum for the students to express concerns on subject matter or personal issues.
2 - Structure teaching materials in multiple formats and outline day to day subjects to make reference easier for absent students.
3 - Communicate with Management more often concerning at risk students.

Good answers. Although our school provides these resources to some extent , I need to be more proactive personally to provide more of these activities.

Engaging students, one on one talks, congratulate when necessary

Engage students and build a level of trust. Expand tutoring options. Continue to promote our schools student resourse center which helps students with a variety of problems.

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