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I would say to the student, "I really can't answer that question for you because I do not know what that school has to offer. However, it is important for you to investigate both schools so that whatever choice you make, is the best choice for you."

"It would not be fair for me to express my opinion about another school; I encourage you to research (school name) so you are confident that you are making the best decision for yourself."

We are competitive in the market

Re-focus on all the advantages of the institution and the particular program. I agree, if they persist, to state that you are unfamiliar with other programs.

Our Admissions Reps always keeps the focus on our school. If I am ever asked I just let the student know that since I work for this school that is the school I have information on.

Always indicate the truth.

I concur. According to Colorado law..."A school or its agents and representatives shall not make or perpetuate any false or deceptive statements in regard to any other postsecondary school or college, whether public or private, nor shall a school or agent recruit students who are currently enrolled in another school."

I always say I'm not fimilar with other schools, but I do know concorde and I can give you all the information about our school.

I do not know anything about that school and what programs they offer. I can only tell you about Concorde and what we have to offer.

Its important to refocus the student on the success and outcomes of Concorde. Let the student know that we don't know about other instituitions, but would be happy to disclose all of the benefits and numbers of Concorde. Put it back on the student to do some research on other institutions.

Derek - from my research, Colorado is one of the strictest states regarding restrictions regarding this area due to the restriction on recruiting students currently enrolled at another school. A few states restrict certain discussions about other schools but the limit on recruiting students currently enrolled elsewhere is quite strict by comparison.

Alexander - I agree. Following this one guideline pretty much sums up how to ensure integrity in all matters.

As a graduate and an employee, you are in a great position to have credibilty when you talk to students and prospective students, Janet.

Jennifer, I completely agere with your comments. The reassurance about their choice needs to occur throughout the program.

Deanna - I agree with the approach to put it back on the potential student to do the research. It also gives admissions a good reason to call the student for follow up to see what they have learned, questions they may have based on what they heard from a competitor, etc.

I respond by telling the student I am only familiar with the specific programs at Concorde.

I would share the approved statistics and talking points describing our institution and inform the individual to utilize this information when making their comparisons to other institutions.

The best way is to put emphasis on your schools attributes and mention nothing about the competition. Only focus on your school and how grea tyour school is.

Responses should be honest and relative to what sets you apart from other institutions. This should be done by identifying facts about your institution, rather than negative comments about a competitor. Comments regarding new equipment, a certain clinical site, updates in curriculum,new textbooks, technology in the classroom, exam pass rates (if applicable), support services available, etc. can be used. School tours that allow prospective students to see "normal" school activities is also helpful.

I would respond to a student by stating that, I am only familiar with information about Concorde.

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