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Communication Is Verbal, Written and Body languages that convey messages 

Listen effectively and respond appropriately. Using empathy when communicating with others can help guide them without taking on their emotions. Learn to read body language and find the common ground.

Body language is so important!

Being non biased and reducing internal/external noise will help you to listen effectively.

Good communication involves not only speaking, but also actively listening to others. We must try to understand what the other person is saying and show that you're paying attention through body language and verbal cues.

Comment on Barbara Patton's post: Body language is key, also learning the difference of sympathy am empathy

How to Respond appropriately

Be courteous

Be aware of bias

ask open ended questions 

Repeat and reflect 


Shut out the noise. I can do better at this. Repeat and reflect with an open ended question. Always be non judgemental, polir and patient.

Empathy and sympathy are one of the ways effective communication can be reached... building confidence between both parties.

It is important to understand the difference between sympathy and empathy so that they both can be used effectively. 

I have to listen , respond appropriately, interpret body language ask to clarify and look for common ground,

seek empathy, sympathy with students.

learned to not use bias in my responses will help with students feeling connected to the school and not judged. 

I've learned from this module:

Empathy and sympathy are two great essentials of  communication that are very important when working customer service 

Don't interrupt 

How you ask a question is very important 

Your tone and body language should be in sync


It is important to remember the differences between sympathy and empathy. It is easy to let yourself sympathize with someone, when what they really need is for you to empathize. 

Learning the four Communication Essentials.

Body language and tone are very important

The part that detailed the five principles of communication was useful.

Sympathy and empathy are different, 

Principles of communication work synergistically with each other to ensure effective communication. It appears that metacognition could assist in knowing when to implement one or more elements and for how long during any interaction.

For instance, although asking questions is a principle of communication. I've found that meaningful questions carry more weight. It is possible to ask many questions that are not relevant to a conversation/discussion. Metacognition and self-monitoring can help you. during the interaction to ensure your communication remains effective

I have learned the difference between empathy and sympathy, and how important body signals are in communication.

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