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Building Blocks: Character Strengths | Origin: EC140

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Introduction to Positive Psychology for Educators --> Building Blocks: Character Strengths

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Again, some great suggestions for identifying and building character strengths.

I made a table of the 6 Virtues and 24 Strengths for ease of recall. I might even post this on my mirror so I can focus on 1-2 as I start my day.

I think this is something important to all teachers, especially the virtues.

We are so used to focusing on our own (and others') weaknesses, it is refreshing to observe, focus on, and discover our strengths AND apply them.


I intend to have my students take the VIA character strength survey so they can identify their strengths and can use those to their advantage throughout their education. 

This is the first I heard of the VIA Institute on Character.  I plan on connecting my colleagues who are doing research on moral injury with our military/veteran student population.  I believe there are some valuable relationships to be explored.  Also, I particularly like the exercise - close eyes, breathe, the focus on a strength...I will apply this in both  my home and work environments.  Finally, I am trained in LEGO Serious Play - I think it would be a great activity to "build" out each of the virtues/character traits as part of our "warm-up" sessions.

I have taken the VIA and had it as part of my class requirements for years

I plan on putting VIA to use with my upcoming classes as well as introducing and sharing the Mindful Pause Exercise.

I will be following this particular activity daily:

Challenge myself to practice the strength every day for one week. Also selecting a role model that posses a strength that I wish to develop.

I plan on using the exercise at the beginning of an assignment asking students to close their eyes and focus on their breathing/strengths. 

Knowing your personality strengths can lead to appreciating yourself and working on goals for the future. 

I always try to leverage a strength to solve a problem, afterward I always try to keep the motivation up in people to continue but therein lines the problem. This aspect of teh course was interesting as it had you break down the core values and let you see where you fit in. 

Comment on john busi's post: I agree John, pushing through to solve a challenge can empower others to do the same. To be followed up with encouragement and revisit the learner on their accomplishment status.

I had never heard of the VIA Institute before and plan to explore that more to potentially use it with my students in future activities. I know how important know your stengths and weaknesses can be in all areas of life. 

I need to plan on taking the VIA. This would be good info. 

I really liked this section!! It was fun to read about character strength with how and when you built your lesser strengths while maintaining your everyday strength.

Using the VIA survey in class, and 6 virtues to build healthier class.

Play on your strengths to solve problems.

I thoroughly enjoyed this module. While I had heard of character strengths before, I wasn't fully aware of their significance in my teaching.

I am going to implement the virtues into my daily work.

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