Treisa Merton

Treisa Merton

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I need to plan on taking the VIA. This would be good info. 

Positive comment are a great way to encourage students to try things they are not comfortable with. 

confidence come with experience

students want to know WIIFM(what's in it for me) also it is important to make expectations clear

I was surprised to see just how similar sttudent behaviors are in the  classroom and the e-learning enviorment 

Asynchronous discuss is effective  to monitor students learning but not in all students.

Feedback builds confidence and encourages students to continue to meet course objectives.

Monitor discussions but do not dominate them. I also can see where the bio of the students would be helpful.

It is imporant to familarize yourself with the different techniques and strategies, each instructor has a different teachching method. 

positive comments are the more effective

Important to set resonable expectation and learn students names

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