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Postive learning areas are the fooundation for a great learning environment. 

Safety has been something that has always been stressed in my teaching from other teachers and administrators. I really like going through this module and see that there are other methods and deliveries of safety measures out there for specific types of programs. 



Student safety can be a big concern in a CTE Classroom. CTE Teachers should take multiple steps to ensure student safety, including teaching students the proper way to use equipment, and ensuring they complete a safety course prior to use. 

It is important to maintain a safe environment in the classroom.  Teachers need to be vigilant and try to anticipate things that could happen.  We must have rules that are clear and make sense to students.  The rules need to be explained and practiced once in awhile so they will become habits.


Safety is absolutely a number one concern and should never be taken too lightly. 

I love what I learned about engaging with students and craving situation where I can share what appropriate student and teacher behaviors are. I also like the pre-paving idea of creating a plan in your head and on paper for the class, working with the rules and routines, policies and procedures and knowing the difference between the two. And lastly jumping right into a lesson is a great idea, and one that I will make it to sections. The first is a simple activity where we get to know one another and the second would be a project.

This is a great example of why safety lessons and completing the safety section are important in the classroom and preparing students for industry. 

Establishing procedures and expectations alleviates behavior problems and leaves no room for accidents, especially during laboratory acitivities.

Something I always tell my students when going over safety protocol with equipment is "Equipment is expensive, but its replaceable. You and your fingers aren't!" I usually have to split up my lab exercises into multiple small groups (due to COVID and minimal avialable equipment), so I always have a worksheet or topic relavant exercise due at the end of class for the other students to work on while the others work with the equipment. It keeps them on topic and gives me an opportunity to see if they can apply the concepts in practice and theory.

I like the idea of a third party safety training software, because of the enhanced tracking which would be built in.

The progress that is demanded in my area of expertise requires a balanced environment for structured learning. Safety is paramount and then ingagement. The trick is to not sacrifice one and still make the challenges exciting.



Great focus on the legal issues in dealing with some equipment and things within the classroom. 

I've learned to make sure student's are always aware of safety protocol and have access to it inside and outside of the classroom. I've also learned that you can be held liable even if you were away for just a minute. 


Lots of good advice about creating an environment that is welcoming and safe. One concern I have is the idea that teachers must never leave students unsupervised- while I completely understand the liability and duty of care at play in this, some teachers have multiple workspaces or labs/shops where it is impossible to have your eyes on students at all times. This puts teachers in a difficult position and leaves students in potentially unsafe environments. I believe it is the duty of the administrator to address this, and it is a concern that I have seen in several different schools. 

Everything can change in an instant and it's on us, as instructors, to be aware of what's going on in the classroom, lab, workshop, etc. Often, it seems, there are behaviors that precede risk-taking activities (horseplay, goofing off, etc.) - It seems the trick is to be able to identify the line between students enjoying the class and things getting out of hand and nip it in the bud early. 

Safety is key and should always be a top priority.

It is important to let you students know what is expected of them. 


The duty we hold to the safety of our students is always on my mind.  We have to manage classrooms in such as way to provided for the safety and well-being of our students.  This module is a pertinent reminder of how important safety and continued following of policy is in our day to day work locations.


Rule and policies should be clearly posted. Students will ingnore/forget them anyway, but at a minimum, they know what they are. 

Safety is essential within the classroom and helping the students to understand the importance of the safety procedures is vital to running a safe and enjoyable space.

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