Heather Goodworth

Heather Goodworth

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I loved the suggestion of having an extra credit question on the test, "Tell me something you learned that wasn't covered on this test." - Great way of gaining insights regarding what your students have learned / think is important. Also - I disagree with the concept of discussing every missed assignment with every student & then deciding consequences on a case-by-case basis. I have found that all this does is reward the student with the biggest sob story (true or otherwise) and penalize the student who is unwilling to make elaborate excuses (whether they exist or not). Instead, I… >>>

Plan B is a great suggestion - I tend to try to cram too much content into each class, so stepping back & taking another look at how the content is presented, if there is a better way to get it across and if there are non-essential pieces I can drop out without compromising quality are all good things to implement. 

I hadn't considered deliberately examining your personality as it relates to your teaching style and then crossing that with how you interact with the class / students. A good thing to consider. Also, the part about being confident in front of the class and owning that you are the SME really resonated with me -- students can smell fear! :D 

I really liked the 10-20-30 rule with PPs -- Also, I appreciated the coverage of more traditional tools like chalk / white boards and flip charts -- I realized that I have not been giving my students time to read / take notes on PP slides before diving into the content. I need to work on that. 

I wish I had learned the bit about preparing guest speakers before last semester -- I wasn't sure how to direct them and several of them did just come & ramble the whole time - I definitely heard about it on my student course evaluations! Yikes! 

I have really enjoyed this module! The 30-second Talk-about is GENIUS!! I am so excited to use this in my classes this year! It is humbling to realized I've been "doing it all wrong" all these years - Lecture, lecture, lecture -- that is what was modeled for me as "good teaching" where the teacher was the source of all knowledge & answers and students were empty vessels waiting to be filled. I am so excited and grateful for all these tools I am gaining through these courses. Thank you! Thank you! 

I had never thought of sarcasm as "hostility disguised as humor" -- I tend to use sarcasm a lot & will rethink this approach moving forward. 

Work to build rapport with students and a therapeutic environment in the classroom. Then be ready to help students who report / show symptoms of trauma get the help they need to regain health and happiness.

This was a difficult module to work through as I was one of "those kids" growing up - Lots of trauma. Lots. I could easily recognize many of the behaviors that landed me in trouble (socially, academically, etc.) as I read through the different descriptions. Having exhibited many of these behaviors during adolescence it is easy for me to identify the students who are struggling like I did, but can be challenging to remember that there are other symptoms, other ways to process and respond to what is happening / has happened in your life. I guess for me the… >>>

Reporting suspected abuse is HUGE - so much is hidden, that if the abuse is bad enough to be suspected, it's usually pretty bad. As educators, we have a duty to protect and ensure the safety of our students to the best of our ability.

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