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Time Management | Origin: ML135

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Time Management 

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

I have learned that if I find it difficult when my superiors have different demands and expectations I will ask to meet with them to discuss work direction, reporting, and timing.

I have learned time management is very important when working from home. Since the state of the world, we have been thrown into this online world and now we need to adjust. The one thing I can say is treat it like you are going to work. Leave time for family, take lunches and don't return to work after you log out for the day. The forms that were included are great tools for starting to work on your time mangement skills.

Time management is what I need at home, especially on my days off. I need to get things done before the end of the day. 

Time management is key to an online environment. It is easy to not take breaks and continue working well after you would have left a traditional job setting. Scheduling personal time will benefit the company by having employees who are more productive.

I have learned that by logging  a few days of my work week, i could identify the problems in time management.

I have learned that not being able to prioritize my goals is the cause of mismanged time.

Time management is key to an online environment. It is easy to not take breaks and continue working well after you would have left a traditional job setting. Scheduling personal time will benefit the company by having employees who are more productive.


In this course, I learned how to proiritize my time.


I learned about prioritizing and goal settings.  

Great topics, Checking email only certain times is a huge game changer

I can always improve in this area

I have learned that I should speak of if my superiors increase my workload beyond what I can complete. 


Communicate with your supervisor to improve and prioritize you time.

Checking or replying to emails are not high priority and can take time away from the real goal.



Stay organized and think ahead.

I have learned how important time management is, especially with working from home. I do catch myself putting off things, taking brakes etc. when I wouldn't do so in a "at job" environment. This was super useful and made me realize what areas I may needed help in.

I beleive time management is essential to complete and priortize task in any department


I recorded what activities and time spent during an 8 hour day. I was able to identify wasted time and reprioritize more meaningful activities to become more effective and productive


Good ideas.  

Time management is important for effective productivity.

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