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La rúbrica es un instrumento valioso y justo para el estudiante, al igual que para el profesor.


Holistic rubric is too general and not suitable for scientific evaluation.

I wonder if you have a student who is trying very hard but has learning disabilities, a rubric may not be the best tool to assess.

They are vital to be able to align course objectives and cover them, measure results, and are essential for students to understand what we are expected to do on homework, tests, and so on. 

Individual knowledge levels can also be analyzed.

Are very important for score the department and course outcome for effective instructions. In addition to scoring and get feedback from the students. If very important to define the correct set of criteria.

Its really import to use the rubric as a tool to address the knowledge adquired by the student. 

How to recognize when a rubris is an advantage or a disadvantege. What adjustments should be made. 


Las rúbricas son esenciales como ente evaluador en el ambiente pedagógico. Y nos evita el ser subjetivos en una evaluación.



Rubrics has its purpose and they are not for every student. They can be time-consuming, but students can be guided through it in a apecial work or project.


I can definitely see the advantages of using rubrics.



Here I go for the 2nd attempt.



Rubrics are not a way to grade all assignments but can help the students understand a project better and Also help the instructors grade assignemts easier. 

Reply to Tania Barnett's post:I agree, rubrics create less anxiety for both students and instructors. The creation gives the student what is expected when the project is done. Instructors find it easy to review the student's work based on the criteria within the rubric.

Although rubrics can be time comsuming to create they are a useful tool for instructors and students.  As they are developed they can be used in subsequent classes.  The rubric must be updated and revised as needed for continuous and future use.

In this module I reviewed important details about rubrics. Desadvantages to analize and factor to consider when dealing with disabilities. 


Learning about the types of rubrics, such as the analytical rubric and its advantages vs. disadvantages, was helpful. Also learning we should review the title for understanding. 


I learned the importance of use an a rubirc in the courses. Ilustrate the level of thinking from the student in the class.


In this module, I have learned the advantages and disavantage of Holistic Rubric and Analytical Rubrica. The disadvantages are:

Holistic Rubric Disadvantages

  • Not very useful to help plan instruction because they lack a detailed analysis of a student's strengths or weaknesses as demonstrated in a product.

  • Do not provide very detailed information.

Analytical Rubric Disadvantages

  • It is more difficult to construct analytical rubrics for all tasks.

  • Tends to be time consuming.

This course will create more information on the correct use of Rubrics to make learning ore focused.


Rubric sets the standard and objectivity as to what needs to be accomplished and expectations are laid out for both the learner and the teacher

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