WLMS for Communicating and Collaborating | Origin: EL112
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Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Communicating and Collaborating
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
Learn norms, including pitfalls!
The online learner relies on the instructor as the main source of course information, updates and adjustments, and feedback on learner progress.
I learned that it is easiest to give feedback and track which you have responded to if you first have all student submissions
Students need more support and feedback in the online environment.
I have learned the three types of communication in an online classroom. The student-content, student-instructor and student-student.
The best way to manage teacher workload is to develop standards of communication.
The section reinforces the need to give constant feedback to your students. Publicly and privately as necessary. I found the requirement of students logging in everyday to be unrealistic because my students tend to be working full time and many of them have other responsibilities. That is more of the ideal goal to set for the students.
Section is about effective communication, managing workload resulting from student communications, setting boundaries, constructive /prompt/efficient/continous feedback and the instructor's role as a collaborator.
I will have projects which require collaboration, choice, initiative, control and presentation to help students develop critical thinking skills, team work and be able to learn how they would solve authentic world problems.
Instructor's presence, communication and feedback is very important in an online environment as these are what students rely on, without which they would feel aliniated and lonely instead of safe and comfortable.
Workload Management Strategies for Teaching Online --> WLMS for Communicating and Collaborating
The use of effective feedback strategies will allow you as the instructor to identify and meet student needs, as well as provide encouragement for engagement.
Knowing your students will netter help the instructor plan for the cours as far as communication and effective time mamnagement.
How you handle student communications is vital to the success of the course. Let students have their conversations, but ensure you re only askingthe open ended questions, not monitoring every response. Students need to be guided, but given flexibility. Emails are for supplying information about the structure of the course. Discussion boards should contain more substantive material related to the coursework.
Clear concise feedback in a timely and responsible order is extremely important.
Instructors need to be involved in their courses frequently and richly. Students know the difference between an instructor commenting briefly to one interacting daily. Touch base with students frequently (weekly or even more often) will make the student that they are not alone.
A teacher must create professional norms in the online course and model them as the administrator. Encourage a community in the course and small-group and peer reviews will help build relationships in the class and prevent the instructor from having to be the ony source of information and answers to questions.
That students need more feedback and support in an online course because there's no F2F and how important it is to be present in the online course. I will make sure that i connect with the students and be present.
Instructors need to set the guidelines, bourdreis and the example of communicaiton. We don't have to be the everything, just the consistent and timely.
Standards of communication are important. Avoid using all caps as it is considered yelling. All lowercase is considered mumbling.
Not being no face to face interaction with students need much more support and feedback in the online environment than in a traditional course.