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Feedback is a necessary component of teaching online or face to face.  Students need to know if they are on the right track and teachers need to know if they need to reteach or correct a misunderstanding.  Various types of assessments are needed such as formative and summative.  Formative assessment happens during learning.  Summative assessment happens after learning takes place (end of unit, etc.).  Rubrics are great tools to use when grading projects.  I learned that the rubrics should be tied to each learning objective specifically.

Having used rubrics before, I found the idea of adding a reflective element asking "What one thing did you change in your assignment/project during the self-reflection process?" to be an useful addition.


I love using rubrics, I just don't use them as often as I would like. They take the ambiguity of grading away and create a more specific and competency referenced score. Feedback is an important component of rubric grading in my opinion and should be varied in how the feedback is delivered depending on the assignment type. 


Feedback is an important part of the learning process.  When done in connection to the objectives it meaningful feedback can increase learning.


Even though I've heard of formative and summative assessments for years, this lesson explained it well.  Also, the rubric requirements and examples were beneficial.


A sentence I heard in the last module sumed it up for me. Feedback should be used to help students continue their learning process, as the rubric's job is to give reason for the grade obtained. That turned on a light bulb for me. I had never thought of it that way before.

When meaningful feedback is attached to learning objectives...learning grows, improves.


Meaningful feedback is a function of its relation to learning objectives

The importance of rubrics to help learners understand the expectations in a tangible way.  As a learner, I value rubrics but as an instructor, I find them quite daunting; especially if you are having to create them yourself.   


It is iportant to have formative and sumative assessment. Detailed rubrics are very helpful for students and instructors as far as grading and giving feedback. Self and peer assesments are important for constructive criticism and helps students better there work form others. Dont give generic feedback on work. Giving meaning fulfeedback is very important because it will improve learning

Formative and summative assessments are obvious requirements for online classes as they are so important for traditional classes.  I have added automatic feedback to some questions on summative assignments that I have created.  I would like to add feedback to more of my questions.  The main purpose of doing this is that I allow the student to take the assignments multiple times, so if they miss the (physics) question then they get a hint on a possible strategy to complete the answer correctly.  When they get the answer correctly, I sometimes include kudos along with additional facts that may emphasize knowledge they should know from the problem.

Feedback is crucial to student learning. 

Rubrics are a great way to grade an assessment beccause it labels the objective and the criteria needed to obtain the highest grade.


Feedback is essential. Feedback should come from various ways such as peer revision, self assessment, and teacher assessment. 


Meaningful feedback is critical for the success of an online course. Also rubrics allow for constant grading, but also give the students the objective and critiria needed to be successful. 

Use a variety of formative and summative assessments to help the student to learn the different topics and to see what they know or what areas need to be reviewed


I learned that feedback is very important and requires caution as it can effect the students progress to learn.


Peer engagement, Rubrics, and Assessments are important in the development of formative and summative assessments.  Students learn from their engagement and teachers learn how to build better assessments. Students become tutors with the work done in assignments where they are engaged with at least one other student.


Rubrics lead to clear and concise assessments.

I think the most important idea I took away from this was the importance of self-evaluation. I need to incorporate more self-evaluation methods in my classes.

The importance of understanding Bloom's Revised Taxonomy and how it fits into learning. The importance of rubrics for student understanding of objectives and criteria of an assignment.  I will start adding the self-assessment/peer assissment column on the rubrics.


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