Synchronous versus Asynchronous e-Learning | Origin: EL116
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
The Asynchronous, Self-Directed Learning Model --> Synchronous versus Asynchronous e-Learning
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I like the idea of having the students take a learning style quiz to ensure all students can be successful in an asynchronous course
I teach both a/synchronous Gen-ed classes, and I'm always trying to develop ways to make both classes more engaging. While the asynchronous model is more flexible, making it easier for students to balance other commitments, I worry that it still isn't engaging enough.
Synchronous and asynchronous learning has benefits and difficulties. The responsibility is on both the instructor to provide an engaging course and student to be motivated with both partneringto have a rich experience.
In an asynchronous online course, both introverted and extroverted students can shine with their responses and have an equal ability to participate in all group actions in their own time. When designing an online course, I will ensure there will be multiple online group functions that will engage the students and let them show their individuality in how they meet the criteria for the assignment.
Asunchronous online learning is perfect for busy adults pursuing advanced degrees. It offeres flexibility space, and accountability.
The VARK model. I am not teaching online classes yet.
Synchronous and asynchronous e learning are two different approaches to online education. Synchronous e-learning occurs in real time, such as live lecture, theres instant feedback between instructors and learners. Asynchronous e learning, depends on individual preferences.
I had never heard of VARK or TruColors -- I have used something else and appreciate new tools to determine student's learning styles.
I currently teach in a blending format. Understanding how students learn in an online environment will be helpful to me. My students typically do not care for student-centered learning.
I find that with online courses students are more introverted and are afraid to share or ask questions. A great way to keep in the know that students are paying attention, and understanding is to post poll questions throughout the class. It is important to make sure that the tasks are well-defined. I often provide a Google Drive folder that is created by myself with extra resources such as templates and breaking down rubrics. While the classes may allow time for them to work independently, making sure they have support and good communication on tasks and due dates is essential.
I am developing both synchronous and asynchronous courses. This material is useful in helping to establish the differences in design parameters between the two.
I wasn't familiar with VARK or True Colors, but they seem like great interactive resources for students!
It was interesting to hear that discussion forums are generally regarded as a good resource for in-depth discussions. In my experience they typically invite shallow and superficial comments as students try to check the box of completing the assignment while still meeting a minimum wordcount. In the future I will work to restructure discussion prompts to be centered more around analysis of ideas rather than course information.
I have been teaching asynchronous online classes for years and follow many of the elements listed and find that my students enjoy the flexibility while maintaining a routine and set expectations per week.
I enjoyed learning about the Asynchronous learning environment. Asynchronous learning helps students complete the course material at their own pace and allows them to feel confident before proceeding. In addition, Asynchronous learning environments support adult learners in advancing their learning. I can use this in my synchronous course by allowing students to work independently with supplemental materials.
I learned of a couple of new ways to assess for learning types.
The use of an assessment tool like true colors or Vark is needed to determine whether the class should be asynchronous or Synchronous.
I found it interesting their are websites that help the student evaluate readiness and capability for asynchronous learning.
There are very clear characteristics needed for a student to be successful in an asynchronous learning environment. With the correct tools and support, instructors can meet the needs of the students.