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Professional Organizations

Do you currently belong to any professional organizations related to your field of study or education in general? What benefits are there to belonging to the organization you are affiliated with?

I belong to the American Physical Therapy Association. Accompanying my membership to this organization, I belong to the Education section of the APTA. The advantages to belonging to the APTA are numerous:

1. Access to published journals.
2. Discounts on continuing education courses.
3. Networking.
4. Practice resources.

I am a member of a professional organization, that helps a lot in getting updated and we can get many resources at a low cost.


Discounts on products and services are a great perk of belonging to professional organizations. Taking advantage of workshops and conventions are just the tip of the iceberg. Often times discounts from select vendors that items that are trade-specific and professional development opportunities through or are included as well.

Theresa Schmitt


A great association to belong to! Staying abreast of advancements is key in your field and maintaining this membership is a great way to access publications. The APTA is a proponent of delivering information via social media tools, a fast and effective means of disseminating information.

Wishing you continued success in the classroom.

Theresa Schmitt

I enjoy going to workshops or seminars, related to my subject. Listening to new ideas and teaching techniques are always good.

Yes, I belong to a couple of professional organizations. They are related to my area of practice. I have found that I am able to maintain a professional network and have also been able to create opportunities for my students to benefit:
1) Guest Speakers, 2) Student's participating in the professional organization begin to develop their own professional network. 3) Professional organizations are great sources of relevant information for classes.

Professional organizations are excellent tools to stay abreast of new technology in your field of teaching which you can pass on to your students.

Yes. I currently belong to the American Library Association and the Georgia Library Association. These organizations keep me informed of current issues regarding librarianship. I plan to join an association geared towards technology in the near future to stay abreast of technology trends. This will benefit me in my career and most importantly give me the opportunity to help educators and students implement technology.

Yes, I belong to a couple of professional organizations, they help me in keeping current in my field. They also help me to keep in touch with others in my field. We can sahre infromation etc.

Yes, I have belonged to the Professional Organization for my field since I started in this career as a student in 1982. The benefits have been numerous, including networking with colleagues, keeping up-to-date on clinical trends and clinical research, continuing education and life-long learning opportunities.

Yes, I belong to a National, State, and Local Early Childhood Education chapter. All are affiliated and have benefits that apply to ECE professionals; discounted conference fees, free staff development trainings, access to professional journals and subscriptions to the websites, etc. It is very beneficial to belong.

Yes, I belong to several professional organizations. Some of the benefits include: keeping current on trends and products, continuing education, attending Web casts, receiving peer reviewed journals, and networking.

I currently belong to several professional orginizations for both my full time and part time jobs. Benefits are supporting your profession, networking, continuing education opportunities, periodicals, being on top of new developments legistatively and in technology. I have made life long friends in my organizations and wouldn't trade the friends or membership for anything!! Because of my professional orginization, when I moved 1/2 way across the country, I was able to meet new people, get information on new job openings before they were announced and was without a job for less than 2 weeks!!

I have always belonged to professional organizations relative to my field. they are an invaluable resource for keeping abreast of changes in one's field. No individual can keep up with the changing times in any profession or industry. It is imperative that we all work together to foster growth in each of our respective industries. Additional benefits include access to discounts and professional development activities, a must in all fields.

Yes and I would say that is is very beneficial in terms of networking ang sharing ideas and exchanging different things you could use in teaching

In Atlanta, we encourage our sonography students to join the local chapter of Atlanta Ultrasound Society and attend their quarterly meetings. This introduces them to networking opportunites and important lectures to their future profession early on.


Thank you for sharing. This is a great way to introduce students to new concepts and reinforce those taught in the classroom- a great networking tool to boot. Does your institution ever host events? This may be a great way to bring employers in and assist with placement- a win, win for everyone!

Wishing you continued success in the classroom.

Theresa Schmitt

Yes I belong to my professional organization and I receive a monthly journal which contains the lasts new technology, research, and educational units.

I belong to NCRA an organization that keeps us up-to-date on the latest equipment, vital ibformation pertaining to legislative intents in our field, offers insurance, seminars and trips. Generates a magazine pros and cons in the filed, and wage assessments in the field and what is expected of an individual entering the filed today and the technology that is available to enhance their production of work as they enter their new field after passing the State exam.
The wonderful thing for the student is that they can get this inforation of a discount rate as well while they are learning.

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