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belonging to a professional organization has many benefits. Some benefits include networking with other professionals, gaining access to trade in and products.formation and using discounts for materials. I belong to a professional organization and being a member is valuable to me.

I am able to ask about new technologies and innovations in the field and also get some input as to the best uses of these things in a classroom setting.

Creating professional relationships is important, and allows you to have a sense of security and trust. From this, you are able to support and help others reach professional goals. You can share ideas, ask for advice, volunteer to be a speaker or become a member of a committee. Since most associations have national or local conferences, you can participate and have the opportunity to learn about breaking news in your career, learn "best practices" or new ideas, hear about key achievers in your field and also meet and brainstorm with others who are also looking to share and learn new information. Another benefit of enhancing your network is that you may find a mentor to help you with your professional needs or you may be in a position to become a mentor to someone else. Giving back can be the greatest reward and benefit. Participating in forums, chat groups or discussion boards sponsored by the association is also a great way to grow your network. This allows you to use your peers as sounding boards and often make some great friends with the same interests as you.

Yes, I currently work for an organization that is benificial because the organization allows education freedom. This give me the opportunity to teach the class the way I see fit. I can experiment with different ways to present the material I am teaching. It allows me to grow and learn many ways to implement different task.

I do and it is not mandatory at work, but highly encouraged. The school will pay your yearly dues. The benefits are those that last a lifetime. Networking is a huge benefit and so are the conferences and courses they offer throughout the year. So that I may stay abroad on current trends and new technologies.

I belong to several professional associations in the medical profession. One of the greatest benefits are the networking opportunities. Another benefit is learning from others about resources and information that is available.

I belong to few and it keeps me in the loop and up to date, and sharp on topics pertaining to my field of study. II also meet new people to expand my network

Yes, I belong to a professional organization which keeps me current is my profession outside of teaching. It is a great networking tool as well.

I currently belong to a couple of professional organizations. I teach Veterinary Technology and fortunately one of these organizations is very specifically for educators in my field. The Association of Veterinary Technician Educators (AVTE). I am a member and the dues are paid by my school. Although, the school does not pay for all of the organizations that I belong to. The benefits include a posting board for educators in my field regarding issues that we all have. An bi-annual conference including both the teaching and veterinary trades.

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