Assessing ELL Students | Origin: ED202
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Teaching English Language Learners --> Assessing ELL Students
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Assessing ELL students should not be done as you do with high profeciency in english individuals.
In oreder to proper do it you must use several different types of test.
The fact is that they can not be treated like the borned english speakig students.
Adjust assessments to meet ELL needs.
We need to offer multiple types of assessments in order to make sure we meet their needs and assess them fairly.
I learned that you need to be aware of the vocabulary you use and adjust assignments to better assist ELL students.
I have learned that assessors need to be sure that the assessment meets the needs of the learner and that alternate assessments could be beneficial.
ELL students will likely to need more time to process the information on lessons, quizzes, test, and often will have difficulty comprehending the content of test items. Especially due to unfamiliar language or cultural references.
ELL students are likely to need more time to process the information on the test, and often have difficulty comprehending the content of test items due to unfamiliar language or cultural references.
ELL students testing should always be adjusted to the level of English proficiency. You will need to make accommodations for the student. Remember that it will take them more time to comprehend their assessment.
The importance of a well balanced assessment throughout a course is a much fairer way to grade.
ELL students at times will need more time to comprehend the assignments, quizzes, and exams that are given to them. We need to remember that English is their second language.
What is a "conferring" assessment?
This was a good module as the prior. I already incorporate these strategies. It is quite enjoyable to see the light bulb goes off. It takes patience on the instructor to be familiar with the challenges and incorporate strategic strategies that would lead to success. I often use myself as an example with English proficiency. I am not the best speaker, therefore you can accomplish this. I purposely mis speak where appropriate to demonstrate to them I still make mistakes. This seems to relax the mood. Lastly, I agree for all students it is important to create a safe environment for communication. I let the students know I am not here to grade their English grammar, but here to make sure they can understand the communication in order to know what to ask the patient who also may be an ESL individual.
I would like to see ESL students in nursing connected with each other, have a mentor from their same culture where they can hear similar stories and stories of successes.
Several different assesment factors are needed to accurately address the student's progress
I Like the idea of making sure that all students are treated equally and that there are ways to help those that Are ELL students in a way that helps them achieve their goals.
You cn not make adjustments to all ELL students. You must individualize and make adjistments for the specific needs of a student
ELL students need multiple form of evaluation.
Alternate assessments can provide instructors with a more complete picture of a student's abilities as he or she encounters reading materials. This provides a direct view of reading development in a variety of contexts. Alternate assessments go beyond traditional testing, as they evolve from regular classroom activities
Just as we use blended coursework online and in classroom, could not a test's questions be in the learner's native language and the answer in English?