Understanding Generational Differences | Origin: ED135
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Teaching Multigenerational Learners --> Understanding Generational Differences
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I've learned that the various generations have completely different learning styles. We as instructors must adapt to all generations.
I learned how each generation has different core values and preferred methods of learning.
I have come to understand that different generations possess varying learning styles.
Every generation has a unique experience, and evolving with all learners at different levels is important.
I learned that every generation has different ways of learning and using technology.
Each generation has an advantage and disadvantage when it comes to their learning skills. Instructors must be able to identify the struggle each student shows and use their generation to figure out the best teaching strategy.
Being a Gen Y individual, it is interesting to see some of the characteristics labeled on this group
I think understanding how life experiences influence our learning preferences is a definite key to expanding on awareness that everyone learns and communicates differently but also the state of mind from different generations.
I have learned that each generation has a different learning style.
This teaches me the different styles of handling each different student based on their generation. It also gives me an idea of what would may motivate each student.
After taking this course, I am well versed with the the different learning styles of each generation as how different available technology was for each generation. As a instructor, one should keep that in mind while teaching a multigenerational class of students. It was interesting to learn all the varied characteristics of all the different generations and how it could affect their learning styles.
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It's good to refresh about the differences. It's odd that this module doesn't mention the anxiety that Gen Zers feel about climate change. It is one of the most frequent topics brought up by students in my classes.
As a Gen X'er, I always find the discussion about use of and comfortability with technology interesting. I am OK with technology but is very evident that the younger generations are definitely more OK! :) I am always grateful to Gen Z son who can help me with any technology problem even if he has never used the program.
Understanding how life experiences influence learning preferences allows instructors to better serve or connect with learners. We have students in our classes from boomers to gen Z, so we need to use teaching methods that support each generational group.
After learning the different characteristics between the five generations in this course, I am able to utilize this information to help the students learn and help understand each student better. It also will help me to understand their background to help build rapport with the students.
Every generation has a specific learning style that will be the way they learned as a child into adulthood.
Instructors should understand the differences between the generations for various approaches to instruction.
The information in this course has helped me to understand the significance of generational events and how impactful it is on the way a person will learn and interact with their peers. This is important because in order to have versatility in my teaching, I need to understand the most effective way to teach them. Having an understanding of a student's preference, such as whether they prefer more technological resources or more traditional resources for their learning, will help me ensure that I am setting them up for success in their future careers.
This module taught me that each generation has unique and diverse environments. From baby boomers to generation Z, they have unique values, communication styles, and work preferences shaped by their upbringing and experiences. By recognizing and respecting these differences, individuals can foster better relationships, enhance teamwork, and create inclusive environments that leverage the strengths of each generation.