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Guide is the preferrd method - 

Guide - pref style, excellent all around teaching, life long learners, competent, loves the subject, attitude that is respected

In order to have a successful classroom, I must have organization and also specific expectations must be discussed in the beginning of the course. This will ensure that studens have an understanding.

I have learned that as instructors, we all have something to improve 

I learned the 4 types of classroom management and what they imply for the class overall. Very interesting material.

After studying the 4 management styles, I believe myself to be a lot of guide mixed with a little buddy. I am stern, but not harsh.

I think out of the four types I am more of a buddy with tendencies to guide. I need to transition more into a guide. I plan on working on this.

I have learned that incorporating proactive techniques and keeping students engaged goes a long way towards successful classroom management.

Very helpful in understanding our roles as instructors in the classroom. 

Being new to teaching, I've leaned towards being the buddy, while trying as hard as possible to avoid being apathetic. I do believe being a guide to help assist learning is the most helpful and impactful role you could have as an instructor. To achieve this, moving forward I will spend more time preparing class materials, keeping students accountable for their work and maintaining a good rapport while keeping students engaged in peer discussions. 

I learned that I need to work on being more of a Guide. Great training!

I can see where I started as an instructor as a complete controller but now am more of a guide to the students. I do have pressures though at certain schools where a certain amount of material is supposed to be covered in a set timeframe so it is hard to be more of a guide but maybe I can try to incorporate more group learning activities rather than using none. 

I learned alot of informative info and plan to use them in order to more of a guided instructor.

I have learned about the 4 styles of classroom management. Looking at all the styles I believe I fit the Guide with the Buddy creeping in on certain days for a short burst!

great tips and tricks for classroom management. I've always wondered how to properly navigate the classroom. I'm glad that my teaching style was in the middle between the controller and guide method. I will definitely start using class outlines to make sure I stay on course.

I think seeing that you can change into a guide forteaching is great. Being able to see and understand. 

There are various management styles that give class expectations to the students. Upon self-reflection, I tend to use the Guide style, and add aspects of the controller style, depending on the behavior of the classroom. I also include aspects of the buddy style, to achieve rapport with my students. 

I know I want to be a guide to my students. I have to work on consistency.

All of the information was new to me and highly informative. Learning about the 4 types of classroom management and the attributes of each, I was able to realize which type I would naturally fit into based on my personality, and therefore know what steps to take to become the Guide that I should be.

This module reinforces the importance of classroom management and how to be an effective instructor.  I benefited from knowing details about the difference between the four styles and what could be done to avoid being the undesired teacher are clearly stated here. I am already a guide-type instructor and I would seek improvements whenever possible.

Instructors should constantly work to improve their skills so they don't become an apathete

I feel I implement the role of guide well, but find it is easy to shift more into the role of controller or buddy from time to time.  I look forward to learning more in Module 2. 

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