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Hi Marvin,
I agree! At the end of each course have your students evaluate you. It is amazing how you can become even better from constructive feedback on the student evaluations.

Patricia Scales

I provide a 29-point PowerPoint to my students’ entitled “Are You Prepared.” This is designed to help them prepare for a career in Criminal Justice. If I am going to embark on trying to motivate and encourage students’ I must start by being prepared myself.

Being prepared means that the items I will be discussing and examples provided is researched, referenced, cited correctly and contemporary within my presentations. This is modeling. It is embarrassing if I have failed to be updated on perhaps the latest protocol with “pepper spray” when the discussion turns to the recent events at UC Davis.

Yesterday’s lecture or facts may have changed since last I taught this class. Information has a shelf life and sometimes its date of expiration was yesterday. With adult learners’ it is always a good idea to ask if anyone has experience or training in a given area before presenting on the topic. We can also learn from our adult learner’s and we should be open to this.


Hello Leea

I echo your comment on "clear and concise course expectations, and enforce rules consistently" for this will instill fairness and professionalism.

Anytime we do not present consistence trust is lost. The learner is entitled to course expectations that are clearly noted and understood.


Hi Alan,
I concur! Consistency is key, and you will save a lot of confusion, frustration, anger, chaotic moments etc., simply because you are fair.

Patricia Scales

Through an awareness of knowledge obtained, the availability of resources for that which is unsure, and an appreciation for the different methods of learning.

Hi Paula,
Preparation will help to avoid mistakes.

Patricia Scales

The strategy that I'm using right now is this: I prepare the material for the class that I'm teaching calendar-wise, that is, today's class. Then I prepare the material for the next class. Then I go over the material that I've taught the class-before. Now, I have with me, a "Flowing" calendar. I can inform the students as to "Where" we are headed today, where we just came from, and how it relates to what we're studying, and lastly, how "Today's material" is needed, in order to form the basis for the future knowledge. Voila! you're really prepped. Not only that, but it establishes a base that shows students the need for both "Goals" and "Participation" in their own "Career-success".

1. Remembering to include all the improtant things about the course in the syllabus.

2. Knowing that it is importnat for me to be respected as an instructor than to be liked.

3. Recognizing students struggling with course material as well as those that have behavioral issues. In recognizing the mentioned issues, I am able to steer the students in a better direction.

I always go to the class well prepared. I believe the instructor should be prepared to deliver the lecture and it should be well planned also. He should prepare all possible questions before the class starts. This can avoid at least common mistakes that instructors usually make.

By remaining organized, prepared, and confident an instructor can avoid common mistakes. If an instructor is organized and works efficiently errors can be avoided and the class will run smoothly. Being prepared with materials, knowing what the lesson plan is for the day, and learning students' names will enable an instructor to provide a valuable learning experience. Confidence can go a long way especially if an instructor is not prepared. Students who whitness an instructor floundering will respond negatively and wonder if the instructor knows what they are doing. I do believe in building personal relationships with students, but not outside of the classroom and definitely not sharing too much personal information. An instructor can be empathetic and sympathetic and share some personal experiences from the field without crossing the line.

Beng prepared and having good organization. Knowing what you will lecture on and giving assessmenets based on the same information and having papers graded promptly and returned to students is important so that they are able to keep up with their grade adn there are no surprises at the end of the course.

I believe the best way to avoid common mistakes is to ask questions of other instructors and be
prepared every day before class.

Being prepared for the class is the best way to avoid mistakes. Know what you are going over and think about any questions that may be asked by the students so that you can have an answer ready. Always admit your mistake and correct it so students can see you are human and make mistakes as well and that it is ok to make a mistake as long as you correct it and learn from it.

Showing that an instructor is human generates a sense of mutual trust within the classroom if it is handled in a positive manner.

Hi Shannon,
I can tell you are a true professional. You know how to play your role as an instructor.

Patricia Scales

The three key words: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. I probably spend as much time preparing as I do in actual class time. Each semester I "tweek" my presentations to 1) include relevant material in a more meaningful way, 2)change my presentation in class based on how the prior class has received and retained the information.

Students always seem to ask a question that has never been asked I always try to look at the subject material from many different angles to try and anticipate the "unexpected" question. In some cases, I will have to do some research and get back to the student.....but I now have the information for "next time" the question arises! It's a constant learning experience both for me and for the class.

I also try and relate our class material to practical everyday use...that helps make it relevant to the students. Sometimes humor will help get the point across. I try to manage the class from intense light-hearted and maybe off-subject interjections. This also helps reduce monotonous presentations.

Some of my classes run 3.5 hours long. The instructor needs to regulate the "flow" to maintain interest. When I see eyes start to glass-over, I know it's time for a quick change of topic (humor involving everyday events seems to work well). It's always a challenge...that's why I enjoy it so much!

Hi Lauren,
I can tell you are prepared and ready for your students daily. Keep up the good work.

Patricia Scales

Hi Wayne,
Picking a seasoned instructor's brain is an excellent way to learn the tricks of the trade so to speak.

Patricia Scales

Hi Bobbi,
Great response! Preparation is the key to success.

Patricia Scales

Hi Lynne,
We are all human, therefore we all make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.

Patricia Scales

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