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Coping with Stress

Think about the stressors in your life that cannot be eliminated or reduced. Based on what you have learned in this module about healthy coping mechanisms, what will you do in the future to cope with these stressors?

After work I exercise almost everyday. I find that this works really well to relieve stress. Sometimes when a stressful situation has just taken place I need to try harder to take a minute and get a breath of fresh air and not hold everything in.

I have found that I use some of these healthy coping mechanisms. I find myself trying to a good night's rest as often as I can so my body can relax and I can clear my mind of all that has happened in that day. I also find it very useful to share my stressors with other co-workers and my family. It helps me to just vent and get things off my chest and I find that I have found a way to deal with the stressors or I have gotten over the stressor.

Lisa, Sounds like you have some wonderful coping mechanisms already in place. Great work! Getting a good night's rest can be a luxury. Many instructors simply cannot fall asleep because of the stress of the day or other family members who keep them awake. You are lucky. It's also wonderful to share with others - especially those who understand your unique situation and your point of view.

Dr. Melissa Read

My life has changed in such a way that I can't go back to my prior method. I used to bike 4 times a week, and it really was helpful. Something that I find helpful but wasn't mentioned was music. Nothing with words strictly instrumental. I listen during lunch and block out everything that's been going on.
I think I will use the breathing and stretching methods that was talked about in the module.

I will use healthy coping mechanisms like exercising: jogging and stretching. This is a good method to use when trying to cope with stressors.

Freddie, That sounds like an excellent strategy! Stretching and jogging work hand and hand in helping people cope with stress. If it doesn't take a way to much from your experience, you might consider inviting others to join you in this exercise routine to share some of the benefits.

Dr. Melissa Read

I've lately found that exercise is definitely helpful, giving me that 'me' time i desperately need mentally and physically. Also, reading the book, "The Four Agreements" has helped me a lot to manage stress in my life and has taught me to not take things so personally, to be more true to myself, and to not make assumptions so readily. These life changes have helped to take a lot of stress off when out in daily life and dealing with people in general.

Jeffrey, Sounds like you have made some important improvements to your life in the way of coping with stress. Great work! Yes, exercise and reading are two very different coping mechanisms that often help us achieve the same results. They really balance themselves out too when done together.

Dr. Melissa Read

I have had to learn about healthy ways to cope with stress this past year. I had high levels of cortisol in my blood and was told that this could lead to the possibility of stroke or heart attack in my future if I did not learn how to cope with stress. I reduced some stressors and eliminated the stressors that I could and learned meditation. This is a wonderful way to quiet the mind and get deep relaxation. I also have started to exercise for 30+ minutes 5 days a week. Not only have my cortisol levels returned to normal but I have lost some weight. I feel great and more in control of my life!

I will look more towards sharing my issues with others. I will also work toward watching my breathing at work when I am stressed. I would also like to find time to go for 2-3 walks every week to help reduce my stress.

I strongly agree that there are a lot of healthy ways to relieve stress ,exercise and getting enough sleep go a long way also I believe eating healthy foods makes your body feel its best .Financial problems are a big stressor in a lot of peoples lifes making a budget and sticking to it will help you feel less stress.

Curt, So true. Budgeting is such an important exercise. It helps us stay on track financially and guides our spending. Some people simply can't live without their budgets. It's too easy to go off the rails on spending without them.

Dr. Melissa Read

I like the idea of getting more sleep. My schedule often does not allow me enough time to get more sleep, and I need to take advantage of this more often. I am going to try the stretching technique to see if that helps enough. I often have tension in my back and neck muscles due to stress.

The micromanagement situation can be reduced and dealt with, it's just a matter of confronting the person responsible. Now, the commute to work cannot be eliminated but could be reduced on days I don't have to lecture/teach at the school. However, maybe listening to a book or learning something on a disk could be more relaxing than wearing out my playlist on my ipod. It could also be a more productive use of time.

Randall, Excellent to hear. Yes, both stretching and sleep are two great coping mechanisms. Many instructors use stretching successfully throughout their day.

Dr. Melissa Read

Krista, These sound like great ideas. I like how you identify both stressors that can and cannot be eliminated. Yes, books on tape as well as music work wonders for long commutes. You may look forward to this time too, as it can help you decompress.

Dr. Melissa Read

Before starting a new major project, I consider whether I need to improve my health in some way before adding more stress. This could be to drop some weight by exercising, by improving quality of sleep by deep breathing before bed, or something as small as reducing caffeine intake slowly so that I don't have headaches if I can't take time for a cup of coffee one morning.

personally I will go shopping can buy something nice and still have exercise from the walking but know limits on cost so I will not end in debt

For me talking openly with someone about what is stressing me is the healthiest way for me to cope

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