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Develop a teaching, which includes a variey of learnng techniques, as well as different types of learnining demonstrations. This will keep the students on thier toes, and interested in the material being presented


Helping every student by accommodating most of the lecture to each learning style


It is important to take into consideration the different learning styles when preparting a Lesson Plan.  We must be award of the student's attention span and keep the lecture/information to short brief sessions 10-15 minutes to maintain the focus of the student.  Implementing different methods of teaching is more effective than the traditional Power Point lecture.   

Sense of learning style is different for all students,  each individual is unquie in  learning  a certin way. 

I will evaluate the success of the lecture and demonstration and write down notes on how improvements can be made for the next time the content is taught.


It is human nature to naturally teach others the way one learns best. However. as faculty, it is necessary to instruct employing a variety of methods that the address as many learing styels as possible to ensure maximum learning and retention. 


Keep things short and sweet, engaging and entertaining.

Everyone learns differently and you need to use your knowledge of teaching to reach every mind in that classroom. Practice makes perfect, keep their attention, teach and listen. 


Humans have a 15 minute attention spand at any given time. 40% of what we hear is rememebered. the only solution that i can see is proper note taking. 

Apply the different learning types to help your students learn. Not every student learns the same. Be effective in lecture. Use other delivery options to keep students intrested and engaged.

I learned a lot from this one. I absolutley need to work on thetime management part of putting a plan in place for teaching.


You need to develop your course with all the learning types in mind to have better delivery and understanding.

Teachin in  different methods is very helpful for students who are wanting  to learn more. Prepare and  practicing demonstration a head of class is something I need tp apply. 


Always be creative.


Variety is the spice of life! Vary your lesson delivery.

Being prepared and practicing what you plan for will allow for greater outcomes for both the intructor and the student. This gives them a guide of what to follow and what expectations are, especially the more prepared you are. 

It is important to remember that each adult learner has one style of learning:

Written: the learner gains information by reading

Visual: the learner gains information by seeing the procedure or the concept being executed

audio: the learning gains information by listening to the content being delivered

Tactile: the learning is delivered using a hands on approach. 

Because of this, it is important ot be sure to utilize a variety of educational techniques in order to get through to each type of learner in the classroom setting.

It is also important to take notes at the end of the class to do self-reflection on those areas that could have been delivered better, and those areas that may need to be reinforced or readdressed. 


My teaching style hopefully will flow naturally through preparation and cues. It is important to be aware of the average retnation and attention span.


Attn span is 15-18 min on average, split up lecture

Knowing the information beforehand and prepping before class will help the lecture flow more smoothly and once you get comfortable, it makes it easier to start to integrate other learning styles into your presentation/lecture. 

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