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Hi Laurent,
Many researchers define "smart" as being able to analyze situations and reach positive outcomes using different parts of cognitive processing. One definition that follows this is the definition that Howard Gardener uses in his work in multiple intelligences.

I've too often seen the idea of multiple intelligences brought up as a sort of "consolation prize"...

"Well, he's not book smart (verbally/linguistically intelligent", but he's good at sports", or "She's not book smart but she's emotionally smart (interpersonally intelligent)".

It's high time that these "alternative" intelligences be given their due. But with this comes a frightening possibility: mightn't some people turn out to rate low on all of the intelligence scales? How can we formulate our course materials so as to not leave them out in the cold?

Hi Scott,
You are right on with your perception of what the different intelligences are. They are ways different people internalize new knowledge and skills.
It is not unusual for many individuals to rank low on standardized intelligence scales. In our setting we do not worry about or in most cases have knowledge of what these scores are. We focus on the abilities and comprehension of the students. They show us how they can process new knowledge and acquire new skills. This is where there different intelligences are demonstrated.

I think the word we are dancing around here is "wisdom".

I think the another word for that is Common sense.

Hi Chris,
You got that right! Seems a lot of it is missing today.

Common sense is sometimes lacking in individuals who are labeled as "book smart" I'm going to throw out the term "street smart" to describe someone who grew up in a disadvantaged situation, but learned to survive, say, in a ghetto or inner city. It is still intelligence, even though there isn't any college degree for it.

I think being "smart" refers to an individual's ability to effectively evaluate and comprehend certain subject matter. I can know everything there is to know about the process of trussing a chicken, but can I physically execute it? The ability to do both makes me smart.

Hi Laura,
I agree. There is a saying "Its not how smart you are but how you are smart.". The example you shared reflects that exactly. We must be able to apply and do if we are going to be successful.

I think smart is using intelligence in order to process and respond to certain situations. Smart could also just be plain and simple "common sense".

Hi John,
I agree. "Common sense" is often missing in the learning and problem solving process.

I'd say , clearly there is no one definition of being smart. All in the method we use to deliver, the information.

Hi LeeAnne,
Right you are. As the saying goes "It's not how smart you are but how you are smart!" This is why teaching is so much fun because we get to see so many different types of learners.

Hello Laurent,
I would agree. It has been my experience that the person who can come up with the idea is often referred to as intelligent. The person who can actually implement and see the process through to the end is referred to as smart.

Smart to me is someone who can use the intelligence passed on and make it applicable to their situation at any given time.

Common sense is definitely lacking in the younger generation. I feel because they seem to have this feeling of entitlement, that their choices are based on their past experiences of not having to do anything to get where they are. This is a LEARNED behavior caused by the current educational system and parenting. They have used this behavior for at least the last 12 years before their higher education. Why should it not work now?

Hello, i agree 100% students don't apply themselves like they should.

At the risk of sounding like I don't have any common sense (lol).....might I ask, what is the definition of "Common Sense"?

Good question. Common sense has many definition but one I like is "making choices that helps individuals reach solutions to problems in ways that are logical and attainable."

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