Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Lead by Example

Having worked in supervisory roles in the past (now a teacher), I fully agree with the tutorial, in that supervisors should set a good example, instead of having the attitude, "do as I say, not as I do".  If the supervisor arrives late to work, so will the employees.  If the supervisor takes very long lunch breaks, so will the employees. If the supervisor does the job well, without making excuses, the employees perform well.

Reflection Plan

My reflection plan is to give special attention to the goals of personal assessment. Specifically, I would like to focus on "ensuring daily behavior is beyond reproach" by creating a routine for before and after class. I think creating more practical, specific goals will also be important for me, as I am someone who sets high, difficult and broad standards.



Obviously, there are certain times when we need to pause and take time to self-assess. It is easy to be critical of others and situations, but I think all people need to take the time to turn that critical eye to ourselves as well. If anything, a leader or teacher needs to set an example. Rather then complaining about the lack of professionalism or respect from others, at the same time, we should pause and think well, am I setting an example of those very traits that I want to see in others? If not, how can I improve so… >>>

Stress management

This put a lot of things in perspective for me. You have to put things in perspective for you to be an effective team member and leader. Taking time to yourself, biting off no more than you can chew, taking  breaks, speaking to someone you trust to help you make the best decisions and seeing the most of the opportunity ahead.

EAP Services

Learned that employees have major personal problems could benefit more form Employee Benefit program to assist with specialize counseling...


Try new activities

Work at getting a more balanced life. Take up a new hobby or sport. Try new foods. Make new friends. Travel, or get involved in the community.


you must always have a committed team to achieve goals. 


I learned the it is acceptable to get tohers feedback when making difficult decisions

Yoga helps on the week-ends :)

This program allows the manager to understand how to work better and to set example. After taking this tutorial, I have learned that the majority of my stress does comes from factors outside of work and ultimately affets performances. This allows me to do things that are stress free and stress reducing on the week-end or after work. I will impliment stress relieving exercises in my personal life in order for me to be a better team leader.

When to Bail Out.

Hit the eject button when Monday morning is consumed by a pervasive, bonecrushing sense of dread.

"The Case for Formal Training"

A very clear explaination of the benefits of (especially oonline) training.


Stress at work is terrible so I always try to reduces  stress usually by walk! Excersing is an excitig way to walk away the stress!




It s good to reanalize and get ourselves to evaluation


Action Plan

After taking this tutorial, I have learned that the majority of my stress comes from factors outside of work, but they affect my performance AT work. I intend to implement stress reducing stratagies at home, including waking up earlier and going for walks in order to start my days with a de-stresser and then provide myself with more time to get my domestic responsibilities accomplished so that my stress level does not carry over from my home into my job.


great lesson


 This actually gave me some new ideas of things to try.  I have been feeling burn out in one of my jobs, but I think I just need to change my attitude, and focus when I am there.  I need to compartmentalize my jobs, and not let them cross paths with each other.  Keep them separated so they don't overwhemlm me, and continue to set time aside for myself and my family.  I would like to pick up a new interest or hobby as well.

Handling Stress & Preventing Burnout

This really helped me understand that we have two kinds of stress, we have positive stress and negative stress. Without possitive stress we would not be able to continue and have motivation. If you feel like you are about to burn out try new things, change careers or try something new. Like take up a new sport or activity. Great things learned from the tutorial.

Getting Along With Your Boss

This had a lot of great reminders for me about the stresses that a boss has and to be mindful of those stresses. When problems arise do what you can to help minimize the situation before going to the boss. Bosses appreciate creative problem solvers! I learned that it is just as importnant to be a good follower as it is to be a good leader. know when to step up and take the lead and then be willing to step back down.

Formal Training is a MUST

Most of us dread formal training because it can seem like a waste of time, it can be boring, or because we simply don't like change. What I loved about this tutorial is that it addressed all those things. The biggest thing was learning how to motivate the trainee to want to change. We need to give positive reinforcement and make sure the trainee knows there will be a payoff!