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Helping Students Communicate Effectively Online | Origin: EL105

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Online Language: Communicating with Students -->  Helping Students Communicate Effectively Online

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I have learned that different age groups will learn and communicate in different ways. Before you send your student a message make sure you are putting in the right wording, as to not offend the student you are contacting. You may have to use different communication methods with your students, but they should all be respectful of each other. If a student is not effectively communicating with you, have a conversation about how you are not understanding what the students needs from you and maybe the two of you can come up with a cleaner communication line. 

I have learned that communication misunderstandings are inevidable but what is most important is learning how to appriopritately deconflict these issues. It is also important to understand your students and how different ages have different methods of communication.

Student engagement and ensuring communication rules are clearly defined is vital to a successful online course.

Getting to know what your students are capable of is one way to ensure that you can communicate properly & effectively.

 but any rules, are best articulated in the syllabus or course handbook.

Misunderstandings will occur. It is best to communicate as best one can and to resolve any misunderstandings.


By the nature of online learning, miscommunication can occur. To minimize misunderstandings, it is important for the instructor to inidividualize thier mode of communication to each students and understand the perspectives of various age groups.

The content is not necessarily the most difficult part of teaching on line. I sense that communication, technology skills or the lack of those skills, and generational differences of the students are all things that an on line teacher must constantly work on as well.

What have you learned from this module and how do you intend to apply it?

I think that instructors need to be aware of learning styles and how people are confortable with technology. I liked the sample survey to give to stuents to see what their comfort level is, and then using that to identify and concerns that may come up as you teach the course. 


I have learned that student engagement is so very important. If they are bored or are not interested in the material/assignments online it would be very difficult for them to be engaged. 


I learned that the different age groups will learn different ways. The Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millenials will all learn differently and communicating with each group is different. I will pay close attention to my wording, tone, etc. when communicating with the students.


I have learnt about the different generations, their strenghts, weakness and best ways to ensure effective communication with all of them. I have learnt ways of engaging students in an online environment, challenges and how to assist students to become successful online learners.

My take from this course is a new insight into the differences between the way the different generations communicate which can be a challenge, but , the difference can be useful in enhancing engagement, effective communication , safe community and learning inan online environment. 

The best guide in having an effective communication process, keeping students engaged and having a healthy online community is always doing (saying and writing) unto others as you would want them do unto you. 

Engagement is one of the hardest skills in online instrcutor. I learned in this course healthy community is inviting and facilitating is the key. 

Communicating with Students --> Helping Students Communicate Effectively Online

One more piece to the puzzle, is being aware of your generational group within your class. Being clear on your syllabus to explain how communication will be facilitated among students and evryone being held to the same standards.

Rules of communication must be provided upfront. Show examples of good and poor communication and always use good communication skills.

This chapter discussed further the importance of communication. It exanded into the different learning/communication style of different generations of people. Depending on the group you are instructing, you may have to adapt, and or combine communication styles. Communications should be clear and concise from the instructor. sometimes things such as sarcasm, and or joking remarks are tkane literal and can easily offend someone. 

In order for students to be successful in an online course they will need open mindedness, self-motivaton, self-discipline, time management, computer competency, critical thinking and teamwork.



Students really need to e self movtivated, self disipline and have great time management skills to be successful.

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