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Managing Employee Personality Types

This is an area where supervisors and leaders need more understanding.Many try to "manage" with a uniform approach when dealing with both employees and students. To be truly effective you must be able to understand and deal with people using different approaches. Find those motivations in each of the "types" and use them to assist in employee and student growth.

What about hiring referrals?

How do you feel about referrals? I think these can be a great resource for prospective employess as normally someone will not put themselves out t on a limb unless they know they will be a great employee.

Best Recruitment Process

What do you believe is the best type of recruitment method? And how effective are they?

Over loaded

I really like what was said about taking on a task or not taking on a task ! Not taking on a task in some organizations most likely means when cutting back comes you will be the first to go! So what do you do?

Proper transition from Employee's assessment to the Management’s

I am new to Management and have the first opportunity to do the formal evaluation coming up. I have a couple of employees that have already done the self evaluation and have evaluated themselves much higher than I believe their actual performance level is. I understand that opening the process with the employee assessing themselves is valuable. However, how then do I transition to my assessment while still making it feel like a partnership meeting?

Supervision techniques

It helps to learn form all the managers you have worked with and incorporate some of those techniques in your style of management. If you can look at your own skillset and objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses, you can benefit by seeing how others have handled the areas where you need improvement.

Personality types

Interpersonal skills and differentiation of personality types

Delegating to get results

Empowering your employees

Different personality types

How to manage all

Interpersonal skills and differentiation of personality types

Interpersonal skills and differentiation of personality types


Before I would live the motto of if you want it right do it yourself type of deal. I have noticed that I have a difficult time delegating assignments to my team in fear of the end results and having to correct the mistakes. I was not comfortable in checking on the assignment throughout the process since I did not want for them to think that I did not trust them but seeing the proper way to handle the situation does make since as a way to save time from more work at the end. I do try to delegate assignments as a form of training technique. I try to having traning sessions each week at which I will introduce the team to new topics that can be used within the department after these training sessions I will delegate small portions that will assist in them seeing the training up close in person. Delegating allows for the members to feel as though they have an importance in the department and also keeps them open to all aspects of the job duties.

Difficult employees

So many ideas and suggestions needed here on dealing with difficult employees.

Good way of communicating with an employee

1. The importance of the task 2. Why the employee was chosen to perform the task 3. The extent of the employee's authority in performing the task 4. Any constraints or requirements affecting the task 5. The end result you expect 6. The required completion date 7. Any standards which will be used to evaluate the employee's performance on the task

Cell phone ringing during an interview

I find it very annoying when I am interviewing a candidate and their cell phone rings. To me it does not matter if this candidate has all the right credentials and interviews well, they are almost always immediately eliminated from the running especially if they answer the call. This I associate with professionalism, or lack of. Candidates leave your cell phone in the car.

How to delegate Effectively

Delegating is a process of working one on one or as a team. Focusing on key points throught the delegation is more important than a speeding through the task.

Supervision Techniques

It helps to learn form all the managers you have worked with and incorporate some of those techniques in your style of management. If you can look at your own skillset and objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses, you can benefit by seeing how others have handled the areas where you need improvement. It also helps to remeber what motivated you and how you liked to be treated and communicated with when you were not a manager, and then treat your employees with that same level of respect and communicate regularly with them so they are not surprised or out of the loop when you implement policies and changes.

Personality Types

As a new supervisor or a very diverse group, I find it very difficult to put all of my employees into one of these 4 group.

Delegation without sincerity

I had a supervisor who promised me if she knew how to perform one of my duties, she would teach me. Then she decided to punish me by deliberately feigning ignorance of a task that would have taken 10 minutes to do if she had told me how to do it, and I ended up spending 6 hours on it and never trusting this supervisor again. What did she gain from that?

Employee Personialities

I think it is good to get to know your employees becasue everyone has a different personailty.

Employees Personalities

Getting to know your employees personalities are important this way the job assignment that are given fits them better.