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Campus-Wide Compliance Issues | Origin: FA231

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Regulatory Compliance - Outside the Financial Aid Office --> Campus-Wide Compliance Issues

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

It is good that all this information has to be available to the students and others.

It was interesting to see that the materials that are seen are all required. Not so much that they are doing it for the value of the information but to be in compliance. It also allows for accurate comparison.

This module was very helpful to me being in my new role in education.

It is important to protect the student personal information and school officials should be aware who the students allows to provide their information too. 

I have learned that active confirmation is a way to ensure that students are aware of their accumulated debt.

I never considered offering both methods. I have just learned the the materials/documents we provide are with copyrights regulated documents.

I have learned that materials with copy rights are regulated.  As well as FERPA.

Schools are required to provide an annual notification of the students rights under FERPA. FERPA transferred the right to see who views the school from parent to students while enrolled in college, however, FERPA does permit the parents of students considered to be dependent under IRS regulations to view the student's records. In such cases of review and record requests, a written consent must be received to disseminate PII. 

Campus Security plays a vital role in student receiving FSA funding.


Having a clear understanding and communication regarding copyright policies for faculty, staff, and students is very important in upholding these regulations.

Protecting copyrighted material and student information is extremely important. Also schools should utilize a variety of methods to communicate their compliance. 

I have learned the importance of protecting copyrighted materials, protecting student's personal information and proper dissemination of school information such as financial assistance to students etc.

Schools need to use a wide range of medium to communicate there message of complicance and so to the student body, faculty, staff and others... 


Schools must publish and make available a description of all federal, state, local, private, and institutional assistance available at their institution. 

School must be diligent on the privacy of students personal information - and that protecting copyrighted material needs to be a priority.

My take away is that every institution is required to implement a written plan to combat the unauthorized use and distribution of copyrighted material by users of the school’s computer networks. 

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