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Compliance Starts with Admissions | Origin: FA231

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Regulatory Compliance - Outside the Financial Aid Office --> Compliance Starts with Admissions

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

It's important to have regular reviews and critical appraisal of admission process to be sure of compliance.

The information is very important for me to be able to help our students

It is best to make sure that Admissions and Financial Aid departments are separate.  It is also important to make sure all diplomas/transcripts are valid.  

I learned how to interact with admission. Staying in compliance with the high school diploma and don't change any information or misrepresention the school with false information. Admission or financial aid are not allow to receive bonuses base on a student enrolling in the program. Pretty much just stay in compliance.

I have learned a lot in this module about compliance outside of the financial aid process. It has been a big help to me since I am new in the education field.

Admissions practices are highly regulated to ensure there are no false or misleading information and that student aid is awarded correctly

The "brick wall" admissions and financial aid is not something that you would think about till you start looking into the reasons why, especially since the federal government is always changing regulations as do the states on funding.  Also the thought that people would go to that much work to obtain a "fake diploma" is eye opening.  



Communication and teamwork between admissions and financial aid is key in order to stay in compliance with rules and regulations governing the use of federal funds for education. 

The information in this Module is very important and makes sense. The Incentive Ban is an excellent idea for schools because I do remember in the past how some schools were just enrolling students and did not care for the quality of students they were bringing in. This affected so many departments such as educations and career services. 

Del tema estudiando, he aprendido varias cosas, como lo son:

1. Los estándares de admisión de una institución pueden afectar su capacidad para brindar ayuda financiera federal a un estudiante. Esto significa que las instituciones educativas deben seguir los procedimientos de admisión adecuados para garantizar que los estudiantes reciban asistencia del programa federal Título IV.

2. Para poder optar a la financiación, los estudiantes deben tener un diploma de escuela secundaria o un reconocimiento equivalente. Como prueba, la institución educativa puede recibir su propio certificado del estudiante. 3. Para ser elegible para recibir financiación, los estudiantes deben tener al menos la edad de escuela secundaria requerida en el estado anfitrión. Las instituciones podrán solicitar la verificación de este requisito al momento de solicitar la admisión.

4. Un estudiante se considera "inscrito" sólo si está inscrito en un programa aprobado que conduzca a un título, certificado o diploma reconocido. Los estudiantes que sólo asisten a clases sin registrarse no son elegibles para recibir ayuda federal. 5. La institución debe documentar que el estudiante está matriculado en el curso al momento de la inscripción. La Oficina de Admisiones o Registraduría deberá notificar a la Oficina de Ayuda Económica que el estudiante se ha dado de baja del programa.

6. Los estudiantes con estado de inscripción condicional se consideran inscritos sólo si son aceptados en un programa de título o certificado. Esto significa que no será elegible para recibir asistencia federal hasta que obtenga la aprobación oficial para el programa.

7. Los estudiantes en programas de recuperación no son elegibles para recibir ayuda financiera a menos que estén tomando cursos de recuperación en un programa ya aprobado. Las instituciones no pueden considerar el tiempo de recuperación sin créditos al determinar el estado de inscripción de un estudiante.

How important it is for Admissions & FA to respect each others departments while working with each others but Not tying to do the others job.

I have learned that matriculation involves financial aid eligibility and that one must be matriculated in order to receive financial aid.  Also there are restrictions on compensation structures for admissions and financial aid personnel.  I am now aware that false or misleading statements are considered misrepresentation.  

The extra methods we take to assure we are in compliance in both Admissions and Financial Aid is our responsibility. This course is just a reminder of our Standards we need to follow.

I learned that Financial Aid and Admissions must be very careful with the information they give to prospective students.  Being in accounting, I rarely have contact with students or leads.

Transparency is key to the success of the institution. From verifying the student meets all requirements to enroll and pursue a degree (providing sufficient proof of graduation), to ensuring the Admissions Counselor is providing accurate information and not disseminating false statements. Admissions should also only provide general information regarding financial aid and should in no way be a part of the fa process. Should there be specific questions, they should be directed to the financial aid office for detailed information. 

I took a deep dive in this module and learned a ton about the incentive compensation ban, which is a provision in the Higher Education Act (HEA) that was signed into law in 1992 by George H.W. Bush to prevent for-profit institutions and individuals from employing unethical student recruitment practices. I learned how much substantial misrepresentation can be detrimental to an institution in a variety of ways. It can be something small by one admissions rep, or something systemic in a system of campuses or schools. The best solution I found is transparency should be used in all areas, especially starting with admissions. Institutions need to have an entity or person who approves each applicant where admissions or recruitment reps can send materially approved applications and complete documentation. This would allow an institution to compensate based on amount or volume of files processed, as they would not be directly responsible for the acceptance or admittance of the students. 

As someone who is not very familiar with the financiial aid aspects of an institution, I found all of this imformative. 


Misrepresentation is crucial in the financial aid process


This section has reinforced the importance of all staff being up to date on regulations and campus policies that are in place.  It has also reminded me of the importance an institution has in educating and monitoring its staff regarding its compliance rules.   


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