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I have learned that accomodations need to be relevant to the documented disability. This is a great way to gauge student by student cases.


Accomodations for students with disabilities not only help disabled people but also help everyday people like you and me.

The use of universal design can accommadate many students both those with hanicaps and those without to have easier access to courses. Use of captioning on videos can also provide for those with hearing impairments, but also students who learn better from listening then watching. 

I learned something today that I thought was the most beneficial. You have not fulfilled your stated mission until you have made your services available to all who would like to avail themselves of what you have to offer. 

Accomodations must be looked at carefully to avoid ove compensating and providing advantage.

universal design is a good way to accomodate all students whether they have a disability or not.  Faculty needs to discuss individually with their students on the accommodations they would need to be successful in class.  As faculty we also need to be aware if the accommodation makes sense or if the student is looking for additional unneeded support to be successful, provoiding an unfair advantage in comparison to other students. 

Does the person(s) who wrote this module have any experience or background in working with students with disabilities? The quiz questions do not match the objectives. Plus, the infpormation is poorly written and seemingly intended to confuse


Accommodations provide equal access. UD is meant to assist in that access.

it helped to understand that a disability should or cannot be used to make it eiaser or gve a disabled student an oppertunity to get eiaser grades than that of the non disabled student bet to give them the same oppertunity to achive the same.

Understanding what accommodations are needed based on the disability is very important. the key is to ensure the accommodation provides access to the opportunity for success and not success itself. 


Accommodations are specific to the student and the need of the student. It is not a one size fits all. What works for one, may not be what is needed for another. It is vital to work individually with the students to provide reasonable accomoations.


In this section, I learned the importance of understanding what programs the school provides to all since this serves to create a context for scope of modifications to ensure equal access.  I intend to apply this lesson by thoroughly reviewing materials and asking questions to gain understanding.   

not everybody is the same.

Execution is key.


many forms of disability


I learned that Universal Design had such an impact on accommodations. 

I learned that not all accomidations are the same.   Accomidations for disabilites are based on the student's needs in order for them to feel successful.  


I thought this whole section was quite interesting and informative. I am now much more appreciative of universal design and how it has impacted everyone’s access and utilization of places and products. The examples of how universal design of learning (UDL) were eye opening, from the use of intuition of technology to appropriate multi-media formats to diversity of dietary needs. I also like the concept of universal design as leading with a philosophical though of access for everyone because it benefits all communities regardless of how they self-identity.

Universal design assure easy access


accomonadations are necessary to provide disabled students equal access

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