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I have learned what the differences are between Title IX and Clery Act. I was not aware of the VAWA and it was very insightful. I like the many rules all three provide to keep all students safe while getting an education.














This information brings an awareness and understanding of the Title IX, VAWA, and the Clery Act.

good information 

Being an adjunct that only teaches online this was a little difficult to relate to.

I've learn the Title IX Coordinator has a very important role as well as the designee.  That if they aren't informed, then know one offically knows.

I had no idea of the clery act and title ix but now I am more informed. 

I learned more about the supportive measures that can be taken by an institution to help correct actions against Title IX, etc. These supportive services should be non-punitive and offer education, counseling, and fair treatment. 


I learned more about the supportive measures that can be taken by an institution to help correct actions against Title IX, etc. These supportive services should be non-punitive and offer education, counseling, and fair treatment. 


Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is designed to help guide individuals to gather the documents needed to file a Violence Against Women. The guide provides information for individuals as they begin to gather needed documentation and evidence for their filings. Note that the guide is not a comprehensive explanation of the law or its requirements, but instead, a user-friendly resource meant to help a self-petitioner learn what documents are necessary. The resource is divided into three sections of the documentation needed to prove eligibility for VAWA, how the self-petitioners can build a declaration, and the information that should be included, and lastly walks individuals through where and how these documents can be requested.


The Clery Act is a consumer protection law that aims to provide transparency around campus crime policy and statistics. In order to comply with Clery Act requirements, colleges and universities must understand what the law entails, where their responsibilities lie, and what they can do to actively foster campus safety.

I have learned A LOT about TITLE IX during President Obama and President Trump administrations. It found that, in 2011, there were very few sexual violence complaints filed with the Office for Civil Rights. After that report, by 2016, the number of complaints and number of investigations have skyrocketed. That 2011 Dear Colleague letter had a dramatic impact and increased enforcement from the Department and the Office for Civil Rights.

I've developed a more detailed understanding of Title IX and the Clery Act. This included important contact information and protocol.


I am not in an administrative position and gained insight into the complexity of understanding the nuances of each act.  In addition, what constitutes the schools environment in terms of reporting and follow through.  The challenges were very enlightening as one size does not fit all, but you are still required to uphold the standards.  I also learn that each presidential administration and their team can change prior initiatives on this matter. 

Being a past victim of domestic assault it would be nice to know that regardless of the political affiliation that heads could come together and decide what is right period with regards to acts against women and others.


Excellent guidance for today and always.

Sexual harrasment, domestic violence, or any forms of abuse should not be tolerated.  Especially in a learning environment.  A learning environment is an evironment of peace and growth.  A threat to this environment should be corrected immediately by taking all complaints seriously and reported to the correct authorities.

I learned the importance of protecting the victim and also that it is important to be fair in the investigation.  I learned that during trauma, details can be forgotten and many times there is a delay in reporting the crime.

I can't say this training has brought more awareness of violence against women. I grew up with it. It is a reminder of how helpless I was. I'm on the lookout and do my best to be mindful of anything that may put a woman at risk. I'm Proactive. As a man, I set a strong tone that I do not tolerate any abuse of women. A bit old fashion but effective. 


I certainly learned more about The Clery Act, when to report, and Title IX requirements standards. 

I have learned that Title IX is in place and designed to address various forms of misconduct in higher education. This gives standards that can be followed so that students , staff and faculty feel safe on college campuses while also preventing or decreasing crime and violence.


No matter who is involved or notified of a complaint, proper response training is critical. To minimize risk and exposure, take affirmative steps to ensure that employees know their duty.

I have gained a deeper understanding of Title IX, The Clery Act, and Violence Against Women Act, including updated made since 2020.

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