PERMA: A Model for Well-Being | Origin: EC140
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Introduction to Positive Psychology for Educators --> PERMA: A Model for Well-Being
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
Positivity is a personal and a group process.I have enjoyed some of the quotes in this program
I love when I see the students challenge themselves and complete their goals and get the grades they desire. They demonstrate grit, persistence and hard work.
Comment on Carsten Henningsen's post: By focusing on positive strengths not weakness our grit and determination can help us accomplish our goals.
Positive Psychology is a great tool for daily living and is most helpful when teaching. To gain by giving is an easy principal to adopt and intentionally seeking opportunities to share positivity with others is fulfilling in itself.
It all goes back to one question. What is your WHY?
It is important to stay focused on positivity while accomplishing the goals of your course.
Comment on Cozetta Hossain Carter's post: I agree that in general people want to feel they belong or are connected to a group. Celebrating each others accomplishments is a positive interation amongst peers.
Understanding how grit and flow really come into play was something that I had not given as much thought to so it was good to learn that.
From this module, I particularly appreciate gaining an understanding of the benefits of students being aware of the purposes of their own learning path, and how crucial it is for them to have both self-oriented and transcendent goals.
I agree to cultivared in the students positive emotions, engagenment, realtiooships, meaning and acomplishment.
Reflection and focus on the positive.
Feelings go a long way and affect in class/out class behaviors and can be fed off each other.
The PERMA module was fun to learn. I enjoyed how to build goals and cultivate how to continue honing those goals.
The importance of reflection was really impactful for me. I do a lot of reflection-based assessments in my classes with students but I rarely take the time, myself, to reflect in a meaningful way. I know adding more reflection time will help me be a better educator.
I'm going to keep focused on my goals and the relations to achieve these goals while taking note of what I have accomplished. Yet while these are goals set for the upcoming, I still need to figure out how to do deal will the present bad news or existing problems. How you you deal with present suffering or problems?
A person's emotional status is very important to maintain academic and emotional wellbeing.
So many awesome examples of the power of gratitude and positivity.
Reflecting and taking care of yourself, and then showing others how to do the same.
The importance of reflecting at the end of the class the lecture and how everyone understood, felt, etc.