Tamara Shadwick

Tamara Shadwick

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I've enjoyed learning about Positive Psychology.  Helping students in a tangible way see through the lens of positivity and use failure as a learning tool will not only produce successful students, but also well balanced individuals who can uplift others by positivity.

Comment on Judith Bramble's post: I agree, focusing on the positive and looking intentionally to pay it forward gives a since of excitement and wonder to our often routine day. 

Positive Psychology is a great tool for daily living and is most helpful when teaching.  To gain by giving is an easy principal to adopt and intentionally seeking opportunities to share positivity with others is fulfilling in itself.

Comment on Verna Pitts's post: Love your outlook, thanks for sharing!

The positive environment is much better for learning, than a negative environment.  Teachers watching what words we say and the emotions we show help to set the tone for learning in our classrooms.

Managing e learning environment can be challenging.  Each student learns differently and participates differently.  Teachers need to keep documentation at all times and encourage students individually based on their learning and participation styles. 

Understanding the difference between asynchronous and synchronous discussions is very important to the success of online courses and student learning outcomes.  

Projecting your presence with online courses is a must to have successful learners.  Being personal and intentional with outreach to students is a must for successful online course outcome.

Online teaching involves much preparation.  Being familiar with learning modules and content is very important.  Making sure students are aware you are there to support them is key to them being successful learners and having proper technical support is a must.

Delivering course content should involve a variety of learning methods.  Presentations should be limited to 10-15 minutes per idea.  Engaging with students and keeping the class interesting should be a primary goal to ensure students gain the knowledge being presented.

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