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Teamwork/Collaboration | Origin: EC115

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Integrating Career Readiness into Your Courses: Part I ->Teamwork/Collaboration  

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

TEAMWORK is vital in any workforce! 

The course reinforces the team work and good verbal and written communication.

Teamwork will always be a vital aspect in the work environment because it goes back to the foundation of community. Everything cannot be done by one person and no one person has all the answers to challenges. Teamwork enforces collaborations and fostering new ideas

Effective teamwork in the classroom fosters collaboration, enhances problem-solving skills, and promotes a sense of shared responsibility among students.

It is important to have clearly defined roles as part of successful teamwork.

Collaboration leads to creativity and growth.

Teamwork is a vital skill essential for success in personal, academic, and professional life. It offers diverse perspectives and opportunities for growth, enhancing overall performance.

Also, the teamwork process involves five distinct stages: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Developing teamwork skills fosters rapport, acceptance, and trust among members.

As instructors, it is crucial to create environments that promote collaboration, effective communication, and equal participation among our students. Additionally, we should reinforce core team values such as integrity, respect, responsibility, and leadership. By doing so, we empower students to excel in teamwork settings and cultivate essential life skills

Encourage team work among students is so important and been a teamplayer employee is such an asset for any employer.

to have more group projects which will help not only the company but the employees in group projects and their individual skills to work as a team. 

Working in teams can also eliminate the so-called "work" component from - work. Example, if any number of individuals is not pleased with a related project individually, pulling and pooling individual resources might result in a favorable result thereby creating a more harmonious work environment. 

We have animal care teams at our career school and have been developing training for the leaders. The section on dealing with dysfunctional/toxic teams with clarifying roles, asking for critique and dealing with toxic members will be helpful to those learning to lead.

Working with a team is important because it builds skills and learning

I believe we need team work more then ever.  There is a disconnect that needs to be closed within people in all situations.

Having students work in small groups is a necessary activity for students to experience. Their needs to be clear defined roles for each group member. All roles must be intentional and related to the topic at hand. 

Multiple members of a team solve problems more accurately

Effective teamwork requires maintaining clear roles and effective communication.

I learned that teamwork is is a process but is a vital part to building relationships and trust in others. A key component in the workforce. The acronym TEAM was another new thing that I learned. I can use the acronym and mindset with my students that everyone achieves more when we work together. 

Removing a toxic member from the group too early can actually be counterproductive because it can lead to a lack of trust in the group and wondering of "Am I next?" instead talk to the member and get a commitment for improvement.

Setting norms, each time a group is working together, is so important. And I think it can also be challenging because the norms then require group members to hold each other accountable. Even adults struggle with this part of team work. 

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