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Self-Awareness in Learning and Communication | Origin: LS105R

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Your Leadership Toolkit --> Self-Awareness in Learning and Communication

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While we may lean one way or another regarding our preferred learning style, I recognize the importance of creating experiences that speak to the variability of learners we may encounter as well as increasing our personal capacities to learn in the areas we are weakest.

Understanding the different styles of learning is critical when working in teams

Knowing colleagues' learning styles is helpful in meeting each where they are. While I appreciate the provided data on percentages of style types, I wonder if they are accurate today, as they were published in 2001. I do think all of us utilize different learning styles depending on the situations in which we find ourselves. Where people might primarily learn in one style, they may have elements of others as well.

As leaders and educators, we need to be aware of the various types of learning so that we are meeting the needs of our students in and out of the classroom. 

I am entirely visual in my learning style

It's interesting how some of the characteristics associated with different learning preferences can also be taken as learning challenges when they are not understood properly. Not recognizing how to better reach other types of learners can lead to judgement, confusion, and frustration. I like how the lesson breaks them each down, explains it from the learner perspective, and then gives examples of how to tailor the lesson/approach.

To be effective, you must be able to identigy the learning styles

Acknowledging the significance of self-awareness and effective leadership is essential. Recognizing oneself is a crucial step for personal and professional development. This process involves comprehending and accepting one's emotions, strengths, weaknesses, and values without bias or judgment.

There are multiple learning styles and it is up to the professional to identify those styles of learning and move accordingly to allow the learner the best opportunity to learn and be successful. 

So so true. Self awareness is an essential aspect of understanding and maximizing your fullest potentials as a leader, in communication and in effective communication. 

learning styles are crucial to hands-on training. this awareness has helped the student outcome immensely. 

I have noticed teaching hands-on that my students do well as we teach with diagrams, photos, touch, and have a genuine sense of satisfaction with completion.

Self awareness in learning and communication involves being mindful of your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and how you relate and communication with others. It is important to have self awareness to convey messages clearly and build stronger relationships. Overall, self awareness is a valuable skill that can enhance professional and personal development. 

I was surprised about the number of people kinesthetic learners.  

knowing the learning styles is an important skill to be a good teacher. It's also very valuable when relaying information about tasks you want performed to team members. The clearer you can be the more likely they will follow through with the assignment in the way you wan t it done.

To be effective as a leader you must know and understand the various learning styles to be effective.

Having self-awareness make me a better leader. I must know "thyself" and understand me before I can lead others.

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