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Technology allow us to be close to students, and show ourselves in a more direct and authentic way.

Technology-mediated communication (TMC) has given me the leverage to stay in constant communication and in social presence with my students. They react enthusaistically and they have come to expect thiss type of interaction from me.

I learned about different resources used for educational technology trends and what each provide. These will help stay current with trends that may be applied to my institution (or at least see what other competing schools may be providing).

Staying up with the latest in technology is very important.

I have found that messages need to be conveyed slower, more direct, right-to-the point, and then written down and repeated when we use TMC.

As we know and many of you have reflected, technology advances can be both helpful and harmful in the classroom or learning process. I appreciated the reminders about how TMC might impact our perceptions of one another or potentially cause more self-disclosure than is helpful.

I have learn that technology is important.  I will research some of the website given in this lesson to see if I will be able to utilize with the online platform. 

Technology can enhance what we do or hinder us if we are not familiar with how to use it correctly. I've used VR, Flipgrid, Yellowdig, drive shares and other simulations type software. Each independently brings something to the table. Each one shouldn't be used all by itself. The variety is the key component to a good classroom space. 

Comment on Lori Riordan's post: Agree!! Using this technology appropriately is key for instructors!

We continue to enhance our online courses with whatever is new.

Technology will continue to evolve, so as educators and administrators, one must learn new ways to effectively use it for solid communication and to make those personal connections with others. I have learned so many different, new technology resources in the past 8-10 years, it gets overwhelming as to what would be the best fit for my courses as "too many" different formats can be "too many" within a curriculum design.

Research on social presence offers information that can enhance one’s ability to foster interpersonal connections through technology. 

"Communicating with students through technology is quite different from in-person interactions."  "Online students frequently practice TMC through discussion threads, emails, chat/IM, text, and video using smartphones, mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers. TMC is such a core element of online learning, it is surprising how few education professionals are ever trained in this regard.

I plan to continue the use of technology-mediated communication. All components of it are great for engaging today's learners. From the discussion threads to the informative emails.

Online presense connects us to being human, and somehow, we have lost a little bit of that online. 

En el presente módulo he aprendido  la forma correcta de abordar las diferentes situaciones o problemas que se presentan con los estudiantes y poder atenderlos oportunamente

Technology plays a fundamental role in the new way in which we access education. It will always have its pros and cons, but without a doubt the preparation of the team to serve the student in a better way will make the difference.

En este Modulo he aprendido que la tecnologia utilizada adecuadamente puede ayudarnos a transmitir ideas y establecer contactos de una forna bastante semejante a una situación cara a cara.

Como docentes debemos conocer las tendencias de la tecnologia usadas para en aprendizaje y permanecer alertas a las distintas maneras en que podemos asistir adecuadamente a nuestros estudiantes


La comunicacion mediada por la tecnología es la que se utiliza en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje por tanto es indispensable que tanto docentes como estudiantes sean capaces de redacsr mensajes apropidados y además sean capaces de interpretar estos mensajes.


Reply to Amy Palma's post:

Hola Amy, comparto su interés por conocer las tendencias en educación en línea. Al reflexionar sobre esto creo que no he estado haciendo la debida actualización. 

Por otra parte, también debo mejorar mi presencial social, me he propuesto hacer videos de bienvenida en mis cursos en línea para que mis estudiantes me conozcan y puedan ver ese "lenguaje no verbal" para poder transmitirles confianza.

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