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There are many online learning programs that can be used to engage students. For example, student information systems, learning management systems, web portals, and student relationship management softwares. These different systems offer ways of communication between students and teachers.


There is no denying that technology is a strong driving force for modern learners.  We, as educators, have no choice but to embrace it.  I was not surpirsed to learn that students considered technology is just as important as food, water, and shelter. It is their connection to everything around them.  However, with all the most advance gadgets of technology, there is no substitute for F2F interaction.  It is in the best interest of the institution to provide options to enhance online students learning which should include video accessibility so the students could have F2F experience even without being in an actual classroom environment.

Thechnology is forever evolving. We must not resist change. It is important to keep up with thechnology!


Communication with online students is important for instructors to keep an open and engaging relationship with students. 


I learned that:


Communicating with students through technology is quite different from face-to-face interactions.

Education professionals need to be aware of these differences if they wish to develop strong working

alliances with students they may never meet face-to-face.

Although my preference is for face-to-face interation with students...I must learn to adapt.  Technology trends are becoming popular methods of delivering instruction in the form of activities that will engage the learner.  If I can communicate on their level they may be able to understand the concepts and adapt to the learning environment better.

Technology benefirts instructor and students.


I was shocked by the percentage of 47% of students that think technology is just as important as food and shelter. This is a very important aspect to consider when teaching online. The teacher must be just as tech savvy to keep up with the students.



Online technology has changed how we communicate. Establishing a presence online with my students needs to be more of a priority. 



I learned the different things that need the institutions for some situations in the online courses, some of them are: good resources, money, and technological resources.  The students needs good relationship and strategies to do very well the lessons.

The role of technology is an importnt pieece of the educational experience.  The students of today are savy and skilled with the use of technology that many instructors did not have when they were in school.  So it may seem the the student has the upper hand when it comes to the use of technology in education.

This course has been quit enlightening. I will continue pursuing technical knowledge to enhance my teaching abilities.

In this module I learnd about Adaptative learning and TMC concepts. I review the importance of technology to enhance instruction in the online learning modality.


I learned a connection with students and instructors must be made online as would be created face to face. Talking with peer instructors about how to engage students in online learning and sharing best practices will be beneficial. 

Simply put, technology makes the world go round and a much better place for man/womankind.

Technology is key for online courses. Utilizing the most up to date technology will be essential for the online learning platform and student success. 


Understanding and the usage of technology is critical.

Online learning has changed so much since it started (in the 1960's?).  Video conferencing whether one-on-one or in groups has allowed for the social aspect to be included.  Personal connections can be made and collaborative efforts are more "humanized".


Online learning in an asynchronous environment allows students to work at their own pace, and choose what time of day works best for them.   Technology assists in making a student feel comfortable in their own learning environment.


I appreciate the section that covered social presence classrooms. I continue to maintain a strong social presence in my classroom through communicating regularly with my students through synchronous zoom meetings, recorded videos, weekly announcements, daily feedback, and student office hours. Students understand my commitment to their success, feel comfortable meeting and know that I care about their wellbeing.

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