Technical Skills | Origin: EL108
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Preparing Students to Become Good Online Learners --> Technical Skills
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
Knowing what tools are available and fit your course needs for communication and the abilities of your student's online level of experience are critical.
It is important to use a variety of tools for successful communication in an online course. Each tool provides a unique ability to engage students and the instructor in meaningful dialog.
There are many differetn tools for students to use in an online course. Students need to be familar with the techonology skills before doing an online course. All the different tools for studetns either synchronous or asynchronous are great learning tools depending on what the instructor is teaching.
Familiar with technology, tools, as well as diffent websites is beneficial for the onlin learner.
What have you learned from this module and how do you intend to apply it?
I feel like we learned a LOT about synchronous vs asynchronous learning. I think this section had a lot about different tools to use for each.
Technical skills are very important for the online environment. Without certain technical skills, the student may not be very successful icompleting the course. Simple things such as copy/paste, sending an email are very basic for some and may be very difficult for others.
Technology skills of the student must be evaluated by the instructor. You may have to teach basic skills such as how to download and upload documents at the start of a class. The use of social media is another tool that can be used to keep students engaged in their learning of real world skills. You still must determine if the student has the social skills necessary to maneuver in the different forms of online media. We cannot assume that our student will come to us with even basic skills when it comes to tech.
Learning the difference between the synchronous and asynchronous learning and what is best for your students is very important.
Importance of roles played by tools technical skills in sychronous and asynchronous commmunication, utilizing an online learning space and including social networking platforms for students success in an online environment.
I wil include social networking for building relationships, engagement, communication and collaboration with those of similar interests.
Preparing Students to Become Good Online Learners --> Technical Skills
Prior to utilizing tools ensure that students can log in and feel comfortable with technology. I have taken for granted because they are young, the assumption is they are computer savy; that is not always the case. Knowing what tools your students might prefer, might give you great insight on what to use.
It is important to ask the students about their technology skills and not just assume they have all the necessary skills that are required.
Social media is different than social networking, which can be useful in online learning. Just because a student says they have the technical skills online to work in your course does not actually mean that they do. Having a screener for technical and online skills is a good idea, even if you might consider the skills to be basic.
Technology can greatly assist your online classroom/teaching. However you need to be educated in how these certain programs work, and you need to make sure your students have at least the minimal level of tech knowledge to utilize these.
Technology is great and needed for online learning but we as educators need to know the skill level of all our studetns so we can make sure they are able to learn in this environment. I like the empowering of soical networking and student used FAQ boards to allow them to help each other.
Using tools such as social media, discussion boards, wikis, chats, email, video meetings allows students to learn in an online learning platform.
There are many tools that a student can use like Wiki, blog, messaging and others that can help enhance their education.
There are many tools as a instructor, I can use to help enhance my students online experience. Social media is one of the platforms my students can use, with clear and concise rules, to help them learn the subject matter, online.
This lesson talks about the various types of technologies and how to pick in both sychronous and asychronous learning environments. It is important to assess student basic technology usage at the beginning of the course. A good point is to know that not all technology tools are free and some may not last, so be sure to keep up on the best technology options for your online course.
The section on "asynchronous coomunication tools" reference 1)email 2)discussion boards 3)wikis and 4)blogs. It's my opinoin these 4 tools are appropriate for F2F classrooms as well as online courses. As a Digital Media high school educator I included these tools in my classes. I used a wiki for all class assignments and discussion board. The students made a personal wordpress to show their work and journal.