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Critical Thinking | Origin: ED210

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Implementing Online Learning Augmentations in Hands-on Programs --> Critical Thinking

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Questioning encourages students to think beyond what they are learning and explore new ideas, new trends, and gain new knowledge.


I strive to get students to understand the way in which complex systems work, such as a gear box(transmission) in a car. I have them disassembly the component and examine how all the individual components work and also how they interact. I get plenty of questions and discussions. What once seemed complex is now simple and diagnosis becomes easier and more precise. This concept works on many applications.

I like to get my students talking about the online protion before we go to lab. I can quickly asses who has watched it, and who has not. While in lab, I try to get them thinking how the online portion applies to what they are doing.

Having a discussion about the online content that the students have viewed is helpfull . It will sometimes motivate the ones that havent watched it to start watching

Critical thinking is developing questioning mind in stduents, so that they ask their own questions that will help their own learning. Students do need understanding than the content they were given.  Nursing  students  are trained to develop critical thinking, make quick decisions based on nursing judgment,  professional standards  and previous learning. It is empirical for the Nurses to ahve critical thinking outside the box because we deal with human lives every day. 


At this level/stage in their educational journeys, enabling the students to fine tune their critical thinking skills is vital. 

enabling students to fine tune their critical thinking is vital beause they can expand better their applications of what is being learned helps students to really build new knowledge and helps them to be more confident in what they have learned . The more the learn the more the confident.


Questions allow students to organize and connect their knowledge allowing for deeper understanding and showing misconceptions earlier.


I am a nurse and believe fully in the critical thinking aspect, its vital. 

It is always encouraging to have students that can think for themselves and therefore enhance the overall learning.

Questions encourage critical thinking.

My students are responsible to analyze enterprises that have stocks, they find weakness following a thinking process as consultants, they cant copy similar works because they need to diagnosticate a cetain year an act

Really evaluating question styles and planning for students to ask and create quality questions and being comfortable with that in the classroom promotes deeper and more meaningful learning. 

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