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I have learned the different steps that can be used to work the inverted salon. In addition, the different methodologies and strategies and the management of each of them.

Many of my instructors have struggled to get students to do assigned reading outside class.  I think that including some mini-assessments along the student's path through the material would help them to know they are on course and persist in finishing their  reading assignments.  I also like the idea of posting videos (created or curated) to help students understand what they are reading outside class.  

I've been teaching for a while; however, I like this method because it allows the student more interaction with each other and learn together as well as more time to apply what they've learned singularly and collectively as a whole. 



While it seems at first glance that this method may be too much of a challenge due to the time needed to be spent outside of class, it really should not affect the students' schedules much. If you take away the time they need to spend on homework, you can substitute that time for the reading, etc. ahead of class. It will take some time to transition, but it seems like at a minimum, a hybrid of traditional class time and flipped could be fairly easily achieved.

I will be asking my instructors to find a way to incorporate an activity in place of a portion of their lecture to see how students respond. I really believe that adding "interesting" things to class keeps students engaged, active, interested, and persisting. Who wants to go to class for four straight hours of death-by-powerpoint? I know I don't!

Does anyone have experience with a successful transition to a flipped classroom in a two-year, non-traditional learning environment?

Comment on Brandalyn Harper's post: I like the way you described taking more of a hybrid approach to integrate the flip. This is what I was thinking when I considered how I could implement this with my instructors. One thing at a time!


I think this concept would enforce the theory of the classroom being a community and safe space for the students.  I think it would be a challenge for some instructors as this is a new way of thinking and concept to grasp. 

Comment on Felix More

Comment on Dulce Cazares's post: I like to use for they to create questions for their peers and lead the process for a certain topic. This often gets them engaged to learn the material better to be able to teach it 

I've learned what a flipped classroom environment is and how to implement it in reality.  I'm not sure if I can actually do it, but it is definitely something I'm going to look at more and see if there are a few instances in which I can utilize this format.

I am a new instructor also, I am passionate about making sure my students get the right information and will make sure they understand information before i move forward by making them feel comfortable about learning what is front of them. The methods given I'm sure will become a valued asset to better myself to be a better instructor for each one .

I learned the different steps to do a reverse salon. Additionally, different methods and strategies and their management.

I am new to flipping the classroom, but I figure it will take a lot of planning and time to deliver a learning experience that the student will enjoy.

In my class I use YouTube videos as well as show them a demo on each and every lab we do. 

It's important to aligning activities with course objetives, get back to students with clear and positive fedback. It helps us to create more engaging and effective learning enviroment for the students after they have clear understood the process.

Great easy three step process

There are many great activities that can be used with a flipped classroom.

The flipped classroom allows students to become more engaged in their own learning.  Preparing at home to acquire basic knowledge of a topic and then coming to class for discussions, activities, and group collaborations permits students to have a better understanding of class objectives.  I will try this form of learning in one of my classes.

I see some things I can use ,but our format ould make implimentation challenging.

It is always interesting to learn new techniques and strategies to engage students in the online classroom. I would definitely introduce this style of teaching to my future classes.

The biggest hurdle I have found to this type of teaching method is what to do with students who don't complete the work outside of class?  I have tried to implement this strategy into a class before and 1/2 to 1/3 of students either don't have the time or the means to access work outside of class.  This leaves a good chunk of students behind.

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