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I have been considering flippng the classroom for some time now ; in my case I used this style for some chapters of my class. 

I feel if this type of classroom had been in effect during my school years, I would have moved through the courses faster with a better grasp of the content. 

The flipped classroom is the most helpful for nursing students. In it, they can discuss and actively learn skills and theories through role-playing and hands-on patient care in a simulation lab. 

Comment on Marian Achenie's post:

That is correct; instead of traditional classroom lectures, you can use flipped classrooms effectively. The pre-recorded lectures to watch and prepare for the class and in the classroom room; students can actively learn through interactive discussions, activities, and games, dividing students into groups for projects; in addition, at home, they can do homework.

Yes, in a flipped classroom, teachers can do assessments on students' knowledge and skills in same moment during the discussion at roll play, or at gaming time. This immediate feedback is more effective

The thought of having actual learning happening in the classroom is amazing, it motivates instructors to be creative and to engage students in the learning process. 

I have utilized this technique when my class lands on a holiday.  Giving the students the material they would learn in class beforehand.  Review the material including the assignments in our next class.  Mixed results, the students that applied themselves did great.  Unfortunately, the less motivated students were put in catch-up mode.  Overall, this presentation gave me some great ideas on how to make this work for the entire class.

Comment on Kevin Smith's post: This is a good idea as you can make things like technology integration into the lessons that are quick and fun that aligns with the course content. 

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