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In addition to academic factors for most adults learner, nonacademic factors contribute to their success rates and as indicated some, if not most educationcal intitutions overlook these nonacademic factor.  It is important today, particularly during the COVID 19 pandemic and beyond, that we as educators not neglect all factors in retention.


Adult learners learn differently then children because they bring experience and are active participants in the learning process. To increase retention the teacher need to understand the learning needs of the student and m eets those needs.

adult life responsibilities can impact learning outcomes


provide information regarding resources available and contact information for their questions

best standard for diferent students

I have learned that there are a lot of outside influences and factors that students can find difficult. Adult learners have a greater challenges than the younger students

Students must see the relevancy of their learning.


so much info to consider! finding most adult students have some self motivation, finding what is motivating that indviual and help highlight how the subject matter can help further drive that motivation.


Hi all


I’ve learned that for majority of my students. The responsibility for a family and the need to earn an income is perhaps the greatest barrier to student retention. As a student myself, I know what it feels like to feel completely exhausted at the end of a workday. Therefore, one of the best ways to keep students from leaving school (and prevent issues before they arise) is collecting direct feedback them regularly. What their needs and struggles are, what they’re happy with and excited about and more. These insights help me to empower to act and address the issues right away.


getting to know the students so they feel comfortable with you

Adult learners have different needs, especially ones outside of the classroom, that may effect their performances/educational experiences.


In adult learners, iinstructors need to be familear with specific needs of adult learners and to consider both academic and nonacademic factors, which include their responsibilities beyond education, their current situation and life circumstance, as well as other personal barriers.

Adults need to be able to see where and how the class can enhanse their skills and how to apply the new knowledge in their carrer.


Adult learners have usually many more responsibilities than regular full time students and it is to be respected. It adds to the classroom environment by bringing in life/work experience as well. It is important to be aware of the many aspects that adult learners bring to the classroom and although there are some challenges I think it enhances everything 

Adult learners face situational, dispositional, and institutional barriers which we must consider and address.

Adult learners bring unique contributions and challenges to higher education.

To increase retention, higher education institutions must address academic and non-academic factors.


Adult learners face larger barriers when it comes to learning. Things like family, financial responsibility and retention are just a few things that may hinder the adult learner. They also however experience to the learning environment. 

Many different factors influence a students retention.  We have to take their life outside of classroom into consideration.

We as instructors are also adult learners. We still have to learn with the new younger learners.

Reply to Scott Rogers's post:agree

As an instructor, it is important to assess both academic and non academic reasons a student may be having difficulties to identify them. Once identified, the instructor must have an understanding of all of the resources available to the students and get them in touch with these resources to help them succeed. Oftentimes, students just need to know the instructor cares about their success. 


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