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How many comments do I need to make to move on?

Instructors have to make the material relevant and interesting, demonstrate real-world applications of what the student is learning.

Motivation increases empowerment, participation , growth and self confidence.

Motivation and shared goals are key to student empowerment.

As a student, the Student Empowerment Profiled (SEP) framework has been instrumental in helping me take control of my own learning. Through a series of assessments and activities, I have developed a better understanding of my own strengths, weaknesses, and learning style. With this knowledge, I have been able to create a personalized learning plan that is tailored to my individual needs and preferences. Additionally, SEP has helped me become a more self-aware and reflective learner, allowing me to identify areas where I need to improve and develop strategies to overcome challenges. With the growth mindset fostered by SEP, I am now more motivated and resilient, ready to take on new challenges and view mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth. Overall, SEP has empowered me to achieve my full potential as a learner.

Students need to take ownership and responsibility of their own learning. 

Students want and need hands on learning as well as didatics

Personal motivation of student's has taken a nosedive due to the pandemic, economic uncertainty, climate change, and a divisive political climate. It is our responsibility to help students regain this personal motivation. They are not inherently lazy or disinterested, they are struggling and need even more support and guidance from faculty and staff. 

Empowering students allows for students to see the value of their educational process. 

Supporting opportunities for personal investment to be recognized and definitely empowerment by student lead teach-backs.

Having students take ownership and responsibility in their learning so they can feel that they have a stake in their success

I see that it is important to teach students that their education is not merely a box to check but for them to realize that the knowledge they gain makes them a better future employee.

Insightful Information

As I was reading through this module, I learned that students will be invested in their learning and success in a course when they are able to connect the concepts they are learning about to real-world examples. In addition, it is essential that students be able to drive their learning in the classroom because it helps them to understand the information and concepts on a deeper level. I will be teaching Microbiology. I plan on using this information during class when we're discussing case studies about specific diseases in terms of treatment and prevention. 



Real world experiences allow for applicability to eventuals careers

Instructors should  help develop student ownership by creating learning experiences that mirrors real-life scenarios.

It is important for students to take responsibility and ownership of their learning. Instructors should provide real-world connections, develop shared learning goals, and foster personal motivation in order to ensure that students are able to deeply connect with class content and relevance. 

I was able to learn that students need to ownership of their of educational experience to feel empowered for success. I find it intriguing that approximately 42% of students starting post-secondary programs do not finish because they do not assume responsibility for themselves and their future career success. Therefore, it is essential as an instructor to have students feel connected to the material so that they can find their internal motivation to be successful.

The students need to take ownership/responsibility for their learning and we can help them in their learning by giving them examples which will help them retain information.

Students need to see what is in it for them. There is nothing wrong with this. Self interest is available personal drive.

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