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Both of these strategies are great for motivating students and helping them to see the value of the course content. Exposure to these individuals and sites make the all important connection to the real world.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.


An instructor might ask has an one had any experience with the challenge that is be discussed?

The instructor might ask does have a different perspective of an appropriate solution to the challenge under discussion?

The instructor might ask does everyone agree with the purpose solutions that we have discussed?

All good ideas for getting students engaged in the learning process. The more engagement the more excitement and this increases retention.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

praise student
teach with excitement
having good enthusiasm

When the instructor in motivated, the students are motivated. Having energy and being excited about the topic sends those motivation vibes to the students as well. In addition, other motivators can include: awards such as perfect attendance and honors list, recognition when doing well on an exam, quiz or homework, and ending the class with a "cliff hanger" getting them excited to come back to class.

High fives, Certificates of completion, field trips

Amazing how things like this work! Remember adults are just taller children. I have students that will work very hard to earn a piece of candy or smiley face. The key is that they get recognition for their accomplishments.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I always grade students exams and PowerPoints within 3 days of submission. I also provide comments with energy and enthusiasm which will resonate with them beyond the specific class I am teaching.

Effective techniques that a college instructor can use in their classroom is having the students become completely involved in a class exercise.

In my Health Information's System I gave student the numerous types of job they will be able to obtain after completing their education. As the instructor I began giving student different exercise to prove that they will be able to complete these jobs. The student now continue to ask if they are able to do another type of exercise.

Letting the students understand what they are learning will benefit them in the work environment is a great example of motivation technique for an instructor.

This prompt feedback goes a long way in keeping students engaged. I commend you for making this effort a reality and providing the students the feedback in a way that helps them know where they are in the course and what they need to do to maintain or improve their standing.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

This is a very good approach and it enables students to look ahead to where they are going to be when they graduate. Tying their course content to their potential income opportunities helps to make the course more valuable to them and increase their engagement.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

reviewing skills, assessment

group assignments, field trips

What are the results you have seen from using group assignments and field trips with your students?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I try to show as mush enthusiasm in the class as possible, as will as what some of their ideas or feelings on one of our projects might be. I will praise a right answer, or tell them good job whichever applies. I try to keep them motivated by stopping at points in my lectures and having little discussions to keep them interested, involved and contributors to the lesson.

You are using a host of strategies that help the students to use their newly acquired knowledge, while resetting their brains and getting ready for the next topic to be introduced. Great work at keeping your students engaged.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Field trips and guest speakers.

I have to agree with this post. I think that when I come in the class motivated The students tend to want to reciprocate my actions. Even if I was having a bad day! It is important to project good energy to my class!

What value do these two activities contribute to your classes and students?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Passion for your field and enthusiasm for teaching about it goes a long way in helping to engage students in the course content. Your comments are right on in that excitement is catching so we need to spread it around.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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