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Good strategy for your faculty to follow. The more we can use their life experiences to reinforce our content the greater their connection is going to be to their courses and the college.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

This is a great ice breaker for starting off a new course. I know your students appreciate your collection of this information and then highlighting it during the introduction session. This way everyone gets a better understanding of who is in the class and why they are there.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I like to teach through repetion. Some of the course material has to be seen, spoken, written done, and presented many times to grasp the concept. I am always including learned information from past terms into future terms to make sure important information is retained and not put aside in the learning process. I look at it as pieces of a puzzle. Sometimes you have to see and check the piece several times before it fits in place. Once the piece fits or makes sense you retain it.

You have done a great job of explaining why certain concepts and content needs to be retained and repetition helps to keep that content alive and in the memories of the students. Later when they are out in the field they will appreciate the fact that they have this information in their working memory.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

One method I use is to remind students why the enrolled in the courses. I have short meetings with students, one on one, and review their academic progress. During this review I remind students of the reason they enrolled. I doesn't take a lot of discussion or time to do this, but it does seem to have the effect of improving student attitude and effort.

I think these one on ones are so important for the reasons you state. You are encouraging the students as you talk with and review their progress thus far. This helps them to see the value of why they enrolled in the course in the first place.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Firstly I always make an effort to remember all my students names.Since I am a Pastry Chef Instructor I like to always take one or two students who will assist me in my demonsrations and get them to repeat straight away any new techniques I am showing the class. This tactic seems to work well, keeping the students interested and motivated. I will always change who I have to assist me, they seem to respond well to this and when they do a great job it makes them feel good and more motivated to keep focused on the items they are learning.
Another motivation tool I use is when my students have a practical test for example Wedding cakes , I get them to create a display area in the middle of the class room, using tablecloths, etc. This display area is where they each set up their final products ready for grading. It seems to make them very motivated when they see how each students work of art is displayed and looks so great, I find it helps to motivate all my students to really do their best work. Plus when they see what they have made they are sometimes surprised themselves which gets them really excited about the whole class and eager to learn more.

This model of student engagement is a great! I like the way you involve everyone while supporting their instruction through application. They get to show off their efforts with the central display. This is rewarding and fun for the students. Thanks for sharing this strategy with us.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It seems to make them very motivated when they see how each students work of art is displayed and looks so great, I find it helps to motivate all my students to really do their best work. Plus when they see what they have made they are sometimes surprised themselves which gets them really excited about the whole class and eager to learn more.

Good point about student motivation. Seeing the results of their creativity and effort does get them ramped up and excited about what they can accomplish. As the learning leader you are directing these efforts and get to see the benefits of all your hard work.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As many others have replied here, I make sure to memorize my students names very quickly to create that early relationship. I also teach in an environment where many of the first lessons are very 'hands on'. They will be learning then doing very quickly within the first day of class. This helps to apply the knowledge, and gives them a focus of that lesson immediately. By doing a combination of lecture, then demonstration with them each participating, the attention is to the task very quickly. I also make sure to give very detailed written feedback to each assignment in their first term. They have a very clear outline of what they did right, and what they did wrong.
Now, I teach photography, and many students have some very major technical problems at first, but I have found over the years by me just saying simply to them, 'well, you got that mistake over'll never do that again!" can turn tears into laughter, and the student relates it to a learning experience versus a tragedy. I let them know that I did that, too- and next term when they see someone else do it- they can share their new expertise with them.

This is very important. I like to acknowledge students as individuals with unique interests and experiences.

I also think it's important to point out to students that they can learn a lot from each other. The program I teach in has a few different career paths students can take and some students may already have a bit of experience with those paths which can be influential on other students.

I like your approach to teaching. You are engaging your students right from the start and helping them be successful even when they make mistakes along the way. As you say they won't make those mistakes again and will remember for years to come procedures required to be technically sound in their field.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I am fortunate to have smaller class sizes in that it is easy to remember names. I do not agree with calling people "honey or dear". I know some people are okay with that. I know personally, I just don't think the person remembers who I am. Any thoughts?

While understanding my students at different levels of education,age,life experiences and economic status it has been my experience that when you help the student see the vision for their future it becomes very motivating. Praise and positive reinforcement stimulates the student to want to achieve higher standards and to have self confidence as well as higher self esteem. Sometimes we are the students only "cheerleader" when life is taking a toll on them our praises give much needed encouragment and support to push through those less motivating times.

Great response,
I also on the first day as each student why they chose this career path, was it a desire from childhood, person interaction with someone that made them think about this career. usually this is not only a great ice breaker, but also helps reinforce why they are there

When students begin in my class I give them my history and why I am in the field I am then I give each of them an opportunity to share why they have chosen their field of study and what excites them about it.

I personally think we need to always maintain a professional image and address individuals in a professional way. This helps to set boundaries for the students as well as show them that we respect them and in turn will work to earn their respect.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Helping them to see their future and the opportunities they will have in their career is so important in keeping students engaged in the learning process. They need to be reminded why they enrolled in school in the first place at different times through their courses.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

This sharing is important for everyone because every person in the class has a story to tell and a reason for being there. Knowing this information helps to set the stage for the coming class sessions.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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