Emotional Intelligence: A Wider Context | Origin: ED139
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Emotional Intelligence in Learning --> Emotional Intellegence: A Wider Context
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Motivation is what drives a person into action. Therefore, helping students to develop motivation is a life skill that will benefit them in current and future success. Giving students insights to why they have to do specific skills in clinical and give them motivation to master specific skills that will help them in their profession in the future.
I agree with Ms. Rodriguez - motivation is what drives students ti action that leads to excekkent performance in the classroom/
Ann Nelson
I agree with Ms. Rodriguez - motivation is what drives students ti action that leads to excekkent performance in the classroom/
Ann Nelson
For me, the learning point is to "Walk the Talk." If I routinely practice self-awareness, ask myself how my current situation makes me feel, and can relate that to some past experience, then I will automatically approach my coaching, encouraging, and can ultimately help in motivating others do the same by example.
Those with low or no motivation will not be able to drive themselves to to point where success can be defines but motivation can be injected to a certain point. Some people can be motivated with very little encouragement where as other people cannot be moved with any words of encouragement no matter how many times they are spoken.
Reply to Ann Nelson's post:I agree wit you here Ann and just to add my thoughts, without motivation (any level) a student cannot be successful or/and complere his/her tasks in an effective manner which untimately leads to failing the course, however there can be valid temporary reasons for his/her failure or not being motivated such as personal, family, financial, or a combination of all.
It is really good to look at motivation in this way. I appreciate the comments that have already been made in that light. I have seen a marked difference in the students that are in school for a reason (have goals, have parent support, etc) and are motivated through that and those students that are really not sure what the point is to any of this. Parental support and involvement makes such a critical difference, and yet in my location there is very VERY little to be had. My question then becomes, how can we help to motivate these students that have never been encouraged to succeed? How to we help instill that in them as teachers?
motivation is very essentailfro sucess and without that it is impossible to teach or learn
Understanding Emotional Intelligence allows me to consider different methods of motivating students, and finding various methods to help them learn and absorb the materials being taught.
One great way to stimulate empathetic responses is to encourage students to “replay” or restate what another student has said, to check for accuracy, before responding. This prevents the irritating situation where students respond before another student has completed what he/she is saying. Or, when students “assume” what another is saying, rather than checking for accuracy.
how can academic settings inspire, develop, and grow empathy? This can be achieved through methods for managing the classroom and the learning activities being shared. Instructors can model empathy and also design activities that require active listening and perception-sharing among students. One great way to stimulate empathetic responses is to encourage students to “replay” or restate what another student has said, to check for accuracy, before responding. This prevents the irritating situation where students respond before another student has completed what he/she is saying. Or, when students “assume” what another is saying, rather than checking for accuracy.
Empathy & motivation are very important. Empathy is the ability to take another’s perspective while remaining non-judgmental. This comes from a meta cognitive awareness. I have been good at this & will continue to expand on this. Motivation is so important, it moves people. Emotional intelligence & motivation works hand in hand, as you need to approach students properly to motivate them in a positive way. The impact that this has learning is that the wellbeing of a student sets up a very positive learning environment. This comes thru the 3 “T”’s. Transmission, Transactional, & Transformational. All three of these are important, & applying them will allow a more efficient & faster transformation. I am good at this & will continue to remember to positively motivate my students as well as reenforcing myself & my students to process Feelings, thoughts, interactions, implications, possible outcomes, & preferred outcomes. We will reach these goals much more efficiently.
I'm empathetic, almost to a flaw, and I think it's why my students trust me and give me the opportunity to help them find their motivation.
Empathy and Motivation are very key emotions that helps you relate to others. Understanding your emotional Intelligence better help you relate to other emotions. I will use this by utilizing different scenario's relating to learning topic that encourage these emotions.
The more invested a student is emotionally in themselves, their classmates and the work itself, the more they will learn .
HALT method for developing empathy.
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
The central benefit of enhance EI for learners is a developed sense of self and well being in relation to others.
When we are fully connected to ourselves: physically, mentally, emotionally - we are open to learning.
Emotions have a significant effect on learning processes. The more in tune they are with their own emotions, the emotions of other around them, and the ability to manage their emotions can promote success in the classroom.
Motivation is key to learning.
Students need to be motivated to be successful learners. I know for me, if I have no interest in doing something, then I'm not going to be very good at it because I simply don't care. Finding what motivates a student is key.