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Having the instructor serve as a facilitator or coach and the students achieve expected outcomes through problem-solving and group thinking will increase motivation and pride in work.

The instructor is the learning leader so he or she needs to be able to serve in a number of roles to facilitate learning on the part of the students. You make a good point about the need to serve as a facilitator and coach.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think that some strategies for increasing student motivation include sharing life experiences, encouraging students to share the experiences and showing how important the class/course is to their career ( the big picture).

I think all of the items are good ways to get students engaged in the class and excited about their future career opportunities. The more examples and stories from the field that can be shared the more focused they will be on being successful.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have used real life examples to explain why they need the material or practice. Students are far more likely to pay attention when they know WHY the material is important, such as injection sites, medical terminology terms, and more.

I also will use humor to encourage them to learn. Students have responded well to learning when I tell them they need the material so "they don't look stupid" when they get the job. I always tell them they aren't, but I want them to look good when they are out on externship or out on the job.

Finally, sometimes I have to do some individual pushing. I have had students who have been homeless in my classes, students who have been having lots of personal trauma. I will be the "kick in the pants" they need and they do appreciate the fact someone cares enough to keep on them to get the work done.

The more real life examples you can give the more value the students will associate with the content. You are increasing the ROI for the students because you are showing relevancy and application.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Strategies for increasing student motivation may include providing positive feedback, making sure to point out learning has occurred when they demonstrate it, and by being an example of success and professionalism.

One way to increase student motivation for me is to give students a clear agenda each week that outlines how the course objectives tie into the assignments. I also upload them onto my faculty website for just in case they miss a week or lost the handout. If you want to see my site for examples go to

This is a great list for instructors to follow and provide to their students. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

You are right on target with your approach. This way there is no mystery to what is going to occur in the course and the students can see how to plan their week.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

One successful strategy is make a project based assignment that has real world implications. Students engage much more readily when the learning is specific to actual results with a physical product or prototype.

I use this strategy in my classes. The more real world examples and case studies you can use the more value students will associate with the content. In addition, by working through these projects and case studies they get to expand and develop their problem solving skills.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As a new instructor I've found what helps me motivate the students is to share stories with them of my time I worked in the field as a cosmetologist. I have also found that if I'm willing to sit and let them teach me something new that I didn't know before then that increases there motivation to learn more. I've learned so much from my students in the short time I've been an instructor. I've noticed the students I've let teach me a new braid or nail art are also more willing to sit with me while I teach them something new. When the student realizes they are teaching the instructor something new it builds confidence in the student.

Learning is always a two way street and you are demonstrating that with your students. They respect you because you are willing to listen and learn from them so they in turn do the same when you present your content. This is a win win situation for all of you.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Increasing student motivation is something that I am constantly working with. There comes a time during a clock hour course that the students decide they just don't want to be there anymore. They are done with what is required work and just filling in time. I have had guest speakers from the industry come in a share their experience, hosted student competitions, peer teaching by other students who are gifted or have mastered a topic. That works for a short period of time but then students get bored again and are back to sitting around doing nothing but complaining because they are bored. Thankfully these students are not the majority but the minority and it helps when they get connected with a student who is motivated and enthusiastic about their education.

This is a common issue with many instructors. I teach a course from 4 until 10 pm and I have to work very hard to keep my already tired students engaged for such a long period of time. I use many different activities just as you are and for the most part I keep their attention but there are always those few that want to "drift" off and I have to try and bring them back into the learning process.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

There has been research regarding how people in general remember negative comments very clearly but need extra reinforcement to remember positive comments.

I think the ratio was approximately 4-5 positive comments to 1 negative before people remember that positive comments were made.

I know I respond much better to a comment such as "That's getting better - keep trying!" It makes me feel like my effort has been recognized, even if the end product is not quite there yet. I try to incorporate more of this type of feedback, then ask the student what they think needs further improvement. That way they can begin to develop internal feedback and critical thinking to enhance future learning.

If the student is unable to identify deficits, often I will call on a student whom I know is well respected for their knowledge in the peer group AND gentle with feedback to see if they can help identify a specific deficit. There are usually a few of these in each class so I can spread those type of questions out to not make it seem like I call on my "pet." It also helps that I have already acknowledged the correct portions of the answer so other students are not looking to shoot down the entire answer.

You make a very good point about the need to be supportive in providing feedback. By doing so the students will stay engaged while learning how to improve their performance and/or skills. Learning is a growth process and so we all need to have support as we grow, be we students or instructors.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

In General Education courses finding ways to introduce professional examples stimulates interest.

This is so important because in gen ed courses it is easy for the students to dismiss the classes because they don't see any value to them. The more application of the core competencies the greater the engagement will be on the part of the students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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