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You received very good advice at that seminar. This is how we should approach the starting of a new course. Letting the share their life experiences and then show them how those life experiences can be used in the course enhances their engagement and reduces their anxiety. They start to realize that they have more to contribute to the course than they thought and this is a great help in building their self confidence.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Increasing student motivation can be accomplished by utilizing a number of strategies. One of the strategies I like to use includes active participation by the students. Incoorporating a game into a lesson changes the environment from being stuffy to being fun and exciting. I have a "Jeapordy" powerpoint that I am able to tailor to the topic and I utilize little prizes like; candy, pens, etc. It never fails to get even my most withdrawn student to interact for awhile.

I use games in my classes as well. My students love to play them when we are reviewing for an upcoming quiz. Remember adults are just taller children so they like to receive prizes for their effort. Your giving them prizes like candy, pens, etc. do just that reward them. It is amazing how hard the will work to earn a piece of candy.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I motivate my students by showing them what the average amount of income is they are likely to earn after finishing the program. During class sessions, I pull up job search engines such as “Indeed” and “Monster.” Also, I explain to students what they can be earning if they excel in our program. I expose students to different avenues they can choose to follow in this field, which opens their eyes to new possibilities.

Money is a powerful motivator and you are using it throughout your course to engage students and help them see their future if they work hard. This is a great way for them to see the value of being in school and completing the course. It is easy as you know for them to get discouraged and start to drift away from class. Keep the dollar signs out there and help them see their potential.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

What are some strategies for increasing student motivation?
Motivation begins with positive energy and by keeping focus on the objectives needed from the study. Instructing in a Mechanical Maintenance Engineering school with an emphasis in the HVAC&R electro-mechanical industry motivates students themselves. Subjects matter and learning your trade starts with a fundamental base found by attending school. Focus on the base when working into more complex discussions and if students understand the concepts well will motivate learning at higher levels. Motivation comes with a complete understanding on how to reach goals.

Connect the dots between the lifestyle they want for themselves and their family to the course at hand. Sell them on baby steps or the Law of the Farm/Harvest principle.

Show them the "You Are Here" on their map and be sure to point out the progression they have already made when possible.

Like the examples that you use to show your students the value of the information they are receiving in the course. You are making the content real for them as they start to realize that there is a reason that you are offering the content you are.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

In my field, we do a lot on hands on skills. Allowing the students to demonstrate what they have learned and giving positive feedback motivates the student. At the end of the course, we have a day that is "a day in the life" of their chosen career. During this day, the students act as if they were in their chosen career working. Having a "mock day". This allows the student to use all the skills they have learnt and apply them as if they were in the field. The students love it, and gets them excited for their chosen career.

I think this is a great idea. What fun it must be. No wonder the students like it so much. Doing this helps with their transition to the real world of employment and increases their excitement about the upcoming graduation.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As a science teacher, I often remind students about the importance of the course (and the course grade!) in their career field. Lots of their future courses are intertwined and excellent science background will definitely benefit them in the future.
In addition, I share success stories about my former students. Some of my former students come to class and describe the a path they went through from being a student to becoming a professional.
Lastly, I encourage students in their first year to attend a graduation ceremony. They could see for themselves how rewarding this whole experience for graduating students is.

Involve them in the teaching/learning. I always have the students tell me something about their prior experience so that I can use that information to motivate them. For example, I have them tell me their level of knowledge of technology. I.E. What type of devices they use, Iphone, Ipod, tablet, etc. Then I try to relate the topic we are learning to an experience they may have had on one of their devices.

I also try to make lite of a situation that may have happened to them or me in the past and relate that to the subject being covered. Humor really does help to motive students to learn.

I also use some of my more experienced or brighter students to help motivate the slower student in the class. This seems to motivate the slower and the advanced students because we all love to share what we know.


Having former students come into course greatly enhances the value of the course to students. They see the connection between the content and their career success. The more of these connections the better because they increase the excitement that students have about what they are studying.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Pulling upon the life experiences and knowledge of students in relation to the current topics being studied is a great way to enhance engagement. You are letting them move themselves forward in terms of knowledge through their abilities and use of devices that they are comfortable in using. A win win for everyone.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Thank you…. I will be using this advice !

I too am a new instructor and did not bring in guest speakers till the very end of my first class. I think I will shoot to bring one in the 2nd day this time. When you only have them 6 or 8 times its hard to get everything covered, keep the students motivated and still keep it exciting. Its son condensed I always feel like they are getting short sifted.

Some strategies for motivation include: Getting the students involved in the material, giving real-life examples so students can relate to the material, creating a fun and comfortable learning environment, allowing the students to ask questions and discuss the material

Great list and I know these effort will get the students engaged and moving forward with their educational efforts.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As a medical assistant instructor, I increase my students' motivation by encouraging them to share a personal experience when the knowledge/skill introduced affected their lives and what they learned. As the students relate to their classmates story then I tie the pieces together with one of my stories in the field, the knowledge/skill becomes real.

This is what helps to make the course real for students. They need to see a connection between the course content and their lives. Once they do their motivation and excitement about the course increases and the process of learning unfolds.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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